Cisco SD-WAN

December 19, 2017


2018 Predictions for SD-WAN (#sdwan)

SD-WAN has blown past all of our 2017 expectations. It has become one of the hottest trends in networking, and forecasts are increasing every quarter with IDC predicting the size of the SD-WAN market to be $8.05B by 2021. My colleagues keep asking me, “Where do we go from here?” Will the forecasts c…

August 10, 2017


SD-WAN: A Vehicle for the Future of Networking

In this era of Digitization, cloud and IoT, the needs of the enterprise continue to evolve and Cisco’s recent launch of intent-based networking technologies showed the world that we continue to drive innovation in enterprise networking. In this new era of networking one of the technologies that serv…

Creating Business Services and The Next Element

The excitement, the energy, the sore feet once again engulfed us in the beautiful city of Barcelona for arguably the greatest show on Earth – Mobile World Congress.  Well, for those of us in networking, anyway. The theme for Mobile World Congress 2017 is: The Next Element. Upon reading “The Next Ele…

February 14, 2017


SD-WAN is Mission-Critical – Don’t Leave Critical Functions Shortchanged

This guest blog post was written by Nolan Greene, Sr. Research Analyst with IDC’s Network Infrastructure group covering Enterprise Networks.  Nolan can be found on Twitter here. There is justifiably a great deal of hype around the rise of Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN). Organizations are becoming mor…

January 3, 2017


2017 Predictions for SD-WAN (#sdwan)

For me, 2016 can be described as “SD-WAN euphoria.” Everyone was talking about SD-WAN. But when listening to analysts, attending tradeshows or presenting to customers, one of the most common questions I asked, or was asked, is “What exactly is SD-WAN?” To highlight just how much opinions differ, IDC…

October 20, 2016


Going Beyond SD-WAN At Open Networking User Group

Next week the Open Networking User Group meets for its fall conference in New York City. I am looking forward to learning how the SDN landscape is evolving and what is top of mind for IT architects and business leaders. One hot topic across the board is digital transformation. It has become clear th…

September 23, 2016


The Router That Speaks

Have you ever imagined what your car, phone, laptop, or anything you own for that matter, would say if it could speak? I think my phone would tell me to stop dropping it.  My car would beg me to get it washed. What if the routers that have been powering your branch network all these years could talk…

May 9, 2016


The Cisco DNA of Wireless Networking

During the early days of human evolution, humans could not communicate, were more focused on self and depended on physical strength to survive. Slowly as they evolved they developed good language interface to connect with others. Language and writing can be seen as analogous to the very first versio…

March 29, 2016


Fulfilling Your WAN Resolutions with Cisco DNA and the IWAN App

We’ve been talking about WAN automation and SD-WAN for some time. Now, with the recent introduction of the Cisco Digital Network Architecture (#CiscoDNA), it is part of a much broader and more comprehensive architecture for networking. And we’re not the only ones saying it…for example, Dan Conde fro…