
We’ve been talking about WAN automation and SD-WAN for some time. Now, with the recent introduction of the Cisco Digital Network Architecture (#CiscoDNA), it is part of a much broader and more comprehensive architecture for networking.

And we’re not the only ones saying it…for example, Dan Conde from the ESG Research company wrote in his recent blog “ESG research has shown that automation can equally benefit enterprises in areas of (a) agility, (b) meeting SLAs, and (c) achieving consistency in configuration. DNA systems such as Intelligent WAN automation helps to relieve much of the tedious work.”

So now with this broader DNA context, I wanted to circle back and see how far you have progressed on those WAN Resolutions we introduced a while ago:

  1. Zero-touch deployment: Discover and configure new devices automatically with the IWAN App. Eliminate manual intervention, save time, prevent errors, and easily deploy new sites in only minutes.
  2. Automated site provisioning: Configure a typical IWAN topology with IWAN App, based on your specific business policies and goals, without manual inputs of code.
  3. Dynamic business policy: Categorize applications and group into business policies easily. Apply those policies network-wide, ensuring consistent global configuration.
  4. WAN monitoring and management: Review and monitor the status of all IWAN sites and devices to quickly recognize and diagnose problems. Access relevant information quickly.

The IWAN App enables IT to accelerate your transition to hybrid WAN and realize the benefits of Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN). What this means for you and your organization: lower costs, simplified IT, increased security, and optimized application performance. At the same time, your deployment of the IWAN app helps you towards a more complete Cisco DNA enabled network that will continue to get simpler to manage, become more secure and most importantly, enable your organization’s digital journey.

Want to see more? Contact your Cisco sales team or channel partner team now to find out more about what Cisco IWAN and network automation with APIC-EM can do for you.

Find out more about Cisco’s Intelligent WAN solution here.

If you are on the sales and partner team, click here for more information.