Cisco Partner
Service Providers are on a Digital Journey
The Internet is the lifeblood of the digital economy. And in the digital economy, there is no growth, no life without the connectivity delivered by service providers across the globe. Every country, city, industry, and organization is undergoing a digital transformation. Service providers are leadi…
Create an Attitude of Gratitude: Not Just for the Holiday Season
Most of us get into the holiday spirit this time of year. Time spent with friends and family, gift giving and reflecting on our many blessings creates a positive glow for the majority. But that feeling of gratitude doesn’t have to start and end with the holidays. And it can have a really profound im…
The Internet of Everything and Making the Digital Transformation: The Value of the Cisco Partner Ecosystem
Partners are a big part of Cisco’s Internet of Everything (IoE) strategy. Over the last few years, we have attracted an impressive ecosystem of world-class partners. Cisco is working with this ecosystem to help countries, cities, industries. and businesses around the globe take the first steps towar…
Enterprise Value with a Hybrid Cloud Strategy
Guest Blog Post by Stephen Nola, Group Executive, IT-as-a-Service, Dimension Data At Dimension Data we are all about accelerating ambition and this includes enabling Cisco’s ambition to build the world’s largest global Intercloud, a network of clouds to address customer requirements for a globally d…
Cloud for Local Government Global Blog Series, Be an Agent of Change in Your Organization: Embark on the Cloud Journey
Great challenges can bring great opportunities to any business, and with the inevitability of cloud on the horizon, IT organizations will need to embrace this change. Taking the first, second or even third step can be scary, but the return on taking such risks will pay off so long as the IT organiza…