Seven Ways to Move to the Cloud
While cloud computing is based on a number of technology innovations, I’m going to write for the non-technical person who I think needs to understand this major shift. In the end, cloud computing will affect every business, every industry. I’ll start this blog by sharing a story. A few years ago,…
Cloud Managed Networking is the “Easy Button” for the Network
Let me start with a few ideas that should be pretty uncontroversial: Digitization is transforming even the most old-school industries. Who would have thought the taxi cab business would get turned on its head by an app? The old way of doing IT—where every company builds and maintains its own vast…
Fast IT Top Insights Part 2: Accelerating Innovation through Analytics, Security, and Savings
In our previous blog, we began our exploration of how Fast IT will transform the role of the IT organization — enabling it to drive innovation in unprecedented ways for the business. And to do so amid the rapid disruption of the Internet of Everything (IoE) economy. Specifically, we examined the rol…
Cisco’s Software Journey
Last week I attended the Gartner Symposium/ITxpo in Orlando, where the theme of the event was “Driving Digital Business.” One of the key themes was the Internet of Everything (IoE) as well as some of the key enabling trends like mobility, cloud, big data, and analytics. A lot of attention was focuse…
Fast IT Top Insights Part 1: IT Transformation and Innovation
In the Internet of Everything (IoE) era, CIOs face a maze of challenges — along with a wealth of opportunities. But for the IT organization to fully realize those opportunities — and become a source of organizational agility and a true partner for innovation in the business — a wholly new IT operati…
Why the CFO Needs to Guide Technology Acquisition for Service Providers?
With telecom service providers (SP) increasingly using technology as a competitive differentiator, it is becoming important not only to acquire the right technology, but to acquire it in a way where it offers maximum benefit to the business. Rapid technological advancements have made it necessary fo…
#InnovateThink TweetChat on Friday, September 19 at 10 a.m. PST: The Way Forward for IT Innovation
In the hyper-competitive Internet of Everything (IoE) era, every company must be ready for rapid innovation, sudden market transitions and ever-changing security threats. But IoE — the explosion in network connections among people, process, data, and things — is about far more than vexing challenges…
Summary: Fast IT: Sourcing Disruptive Innovation
The explosion of network connections among people, process, data, and things, now called the Internet of Everything (IoE), is the driver behind much of the disruption and change we see in all industries. It is making innovation more accessible and affordable, while presenting enormous opportunities.…
Fast IT: Sourcing Disruptive Innovation
Change is accelerating at a speed and scale never seen before, and disruption is constant. The explosion of network connections among people, process, data, and things, now called the Internet of Everything (IoE), is the driver behind much of this change. It is making innovation more accessible and…