BYOD: Many Call It Bring Your Own Malware (BYOM)
It is not new that people are referring to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) as Bring Your Own Malware (BYOM). In 2012 alone, Android malware encounters grew 2,577 percent (for details, see Cisco’s Annual Security Report). Many organizations are struggling to keep up with the BYOD trend by allowing…
A Mobility Guide to Cisco Live! Orlando Part II
We’re just a few days away from joining the record-breaking attendance at Cisco Live! in Orlando! It’s been a busy week with the Internet of Everything and Connected Mobile Experiences project launch in Nice, the SITA Air Transport IT Summit in Brussels, and the recent news that our very…
Telework Gives FEMA a Helping Hand
For one week this last March, hundreds of thousands of workers from around the world made the commitment to telework. This year’s Telework Week resulted in a 91 percent increase in involvement in 2011, with more than 130,000 total pledges! These record numbers really show the momentum of telework in…
BYOD: The Newer-Better-Faster Edge You Need in Retail and Consumer Products
In the fast-changing, thin-margin world of consumer products, new winners and losers are created every day. Speed of innovation, time-to-market, and employee productivity can mean the difference between the next hot trend and a warehouse full of excess inventory. Success in the highly competitive co…
[Cartoon Catalyst Blog Series] The New Age Textbook – Implications of BYOD on K12 Education
Today we’re talking tablets versus textbooks in the first of a series of blog posts inspired by cartoons. Does anyone have a good memory of their education textbooks? Textbooks are cumbersome… anyone disagree? Most textbooks are a bulky nuisance weighing down backpacks of elementary to high school…
Identity and Device Aware IT Platforms Make Life Easier
Life is generally a lot easier when you have all the facts. Especially if those facts are actually accurate. Nowhere does this ring more true than in the life of an IT professional. Often times a day in an IT shop is a lot like that grade school game of telephone where information gets passed down…
Money Talks: Media takes note of recent BYOD Financial Impact Study
It’s difficult to put a price tag on the value of implementing a strategic “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) policy. Employees are eager to use their own mobile devices in the workplace and corporations are quickly adopting strategies and practices to keep up. Recently, Cisco Internet Business Solution…
With the Right Security Policy, BYOD Doesn’t Have to Be a Scary Thing
According the recent report by Cisco’s IBSG Group, the Financial Impact of BYOD, letting employees bring their own devices saves companies money and helps them become more productive. 53 percent of survey participants have raised work productivity through innovative work practices—powered by their d…
Register Now for ISTE 2013
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference will take place in San Antonio, TX from June 23rd through June 26th. ISTE is an annual conference providing hundreds of sessions, emerging education tech solutions, keynotes, face to face demonstrations and a collaboration of l…