Building the Internet of Things: A How-To Book on IoT
The Internet of Things (IoT) has become one of the most talked-about technology trends over the past few years. Yet many customers remain confused. Line-of-business managers don’t really care that much about the technology behind billions of connections. They care about business outcomes. They aren’…
5 Steps to Zero Trust Data Center with Cisco Tetration Analytics
In a recent cybersecurity study, Gartner reported that data center protection is the foundation of digital business and innovation. With organizations embracing digital business, they need to address the lack of directly owned IT infrastructure and the prevalence of services outside of IT’s c…
Okay, but what are you trying to do?
Going Digital, Digitization, The Digital Experience are all terms being thrown around these days and I am often asked “what does that really mean?”. While the industry has done an amazing job of creating new buzz words, it is hard for the everyday technologist to link them to anything practical. W…
Improving Public Safety through Digital Transformation
Today, cities are experiencing population growth and socioeconomic and political shifts that change the requirements necessary for protecting residents, physical infrastructure and city data. Public safety is a highly visible metric for which city officials are judged on quality of leadership and as…
A Powerful Platform to Drive Smart Outcomes in Cities
Cisco is not only one of the first organizations to have discerned the trends leading to the need for “smart city” strategies, it is also uniquely prepared to provide the smart solutions to city challenges. Cisco comes at smart cities, infrastructure up, building on its three decades of rock-solid n…
Big Data is Big Business for Quantium
According to IDC, the big data market, including services such as analytics, is expected to reach nearly $50 billion by 2019. Luckily for Quantium, data is in its DNA. Australia’s largest analytics business is happily riding the wave on the booming global big data industry. Quantium’s customers—incl…
Introducing UCS S-Series: Data Unstored
I frequently meet with customers who are trying to “unstore” more of their data, use it in real time, and unlock the latent value that’s contained there. In many ways this is the heart of digital transformation…but it’s also something that’s historically been a challenge to do in an economical and m…
The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change. Big Data Trends and Directions Webinar
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is the source of the phrase “The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change”. His saying is totally applicable to today’s world of Big Data and Analytics. Our industry landscape is constantly changing, no doubt about that! Think about it a bit from a technology point of…
University of British Columbia Makes Buildings Smarter With Analytics
The University of British Columbia is making buildings smarter with green initiatives. UBC transformed their building network to obtain highly granular, digital insights into traffic patterns. Using these data analytics, they improved operational efficiencies, resulting in 33 percent lower gas emiss…