Is Facebook’s new storage platform performance hungry?
I promised a follow up in my recent blog about Facebook’s new Bryce Canyon storage platform. While the title of this blog may sound like it questions the new platform’s capabilities. It like the previous blog aims to help you understand why it is perfectly suited for Facebook’s unique ne…
It’s no use going back to yesterday’s storage platform for tomorrow’s applications
There’s a line in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland where Alice says “It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” Some days I feel that way about my storage infrastructures as well. I fell down a particular rabbit-hole into storage management accidentally…
Green Cloud bets on Cisco UCS S-Series to power new lines of business
Size matters—especially as physical data center space becomes more coveted at premium prices. So why wouldn’t you pack more into less, for less, if you could? That’s the approach that Green Cloud Technologies is taking with its investment in Cisco UCS S-Series storage-optimized servers. Green Cloud…
Introducing UCS S-Series: Data Unstored
I frequently meet with customers who are trying to “unstore” more of their data, use it in real time, and unlock the latent value that’s contained there. In many ways this is the heart of digital transformation…but it’s also something that’s historically been a challenge to do in an economical and m…