
May 5, 2016


There Has Never Been a Better Time for Innovation

Historians often point to The Renaissance many centuries ago as humankind’s most creatively prolific period. Indeed, timeless discoveries and masterpieces in art, literature and science burst forth from geniuses such as Leonardo de Vinci, Michelangelo, and Galileo. I spend a lot of my spare time stu…

April 20, 2016


Setting the Stage for Co-Innovation Success

The new model for co-innovation can be messy. No longer a one-thing-at-a-time, linear methodology, today’s development process involves people from different organizations, with different backgrounds and cultures working on several different tracks at once, with rapid prototyping, real-time customer…

April 5, 2016


The Time Is Now for Co-Innovation: Three Reasons Why

Traditionally, Cisco’s innovation strategy has been built around four foundational pillars: build, buy, partner, and invest. Recently, however, a fifth pillar—co-innovation —has become more prominent. In my last blog, I introduced the idea that innovation doesn’t happen in a vacuum—it requires diver…

March 31, 2016


Catalysts for 10x Innovation – Innovator Attributes

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast,” were the final words echoed last week during a thought-provoking Innovation Catalyst training session at Cisco’s campus in Richardson, Texas. Building on earlier sessions in San Jose last November, I joined other super-charged Cisco leaders to learn more…

March 23, 2016


Co-Innovation: Shining a “Lightbulb” on the Myth of the Lone Inventor

A few years ago I sat down with technology leaders at a major oil and gas company to talk about a solution they wanted Cisco to develop, and they had some unique and interesting requirements: They wanted us to work with them to co-innovate this solution. They also asked us to work with their three…

March 3, 2016


Fog Boosts Capabilities to Add More Things Securely to the Internet

Today, host-based security mechanisms and cloud-based security services are our primary means to secure endpoints. However, these methods alone will fall short for meeting the security challenges in the emerging Internet of Things, where we must support a significantly larger number of endpoints, ma…

February 25, 2016


Co-Innovation Juices Overflowed at Cisco Live! Berlin

During Cisco Live! in Berlin last week, 43,320 oranges were squeezed to fuel the creative juices of customers, partners and developers who converged to co-innovate around the Internet of Things. That’s a lot of orange juice! And what a smashing success! With more than 12,000 attendees and hundreds o…

February 23, 2016


Huge Opportunities for Service Providers at the Intersection of Fog and Mobility

I have the privilege of being in Barcelona this week for Mobile World Congress. With nearly 100,000 attendees and an impressive conference agenda, it’s a week packed with not only ideas and innovation, but with interactions with leaders, startups, disruptors, and other major players in mobile techno…

February 2, 2016


Life after an Innovation Center

Cisco Innovation Centers are where start-ups, accelerators, developers, researchers, ecosystem partners and the venture community come together to create ground-breaking technology and innovative solutions for the future. We have nine of them around the world, and we wanted to share a little insight…