Innovation May Not Grow on Trees, But it Can be Cultivated
Much to the dismay of countless business leaders everywhere, innovation doesn’t just happen by magic. Creating a pervasive innovation culture within any organization takes time, effort, and strong leadership. But if the importance of innovation is so universally acknowledged, why do so many struggle…
IoT and the Environment: Making It Easier To Be Green
To celebrate the launch last week of my book, Building the Internet of Things, I am taking a short break from my current series on my “Recipe for IoT Success” to offer an excerpt from the book: We are all aware of the environmental challenges facing both the developing and developed worlds. Pollute…
The Internet of Things Is About People, Not Just Things
Every major technology and business transition affects both process and people. Job roles change, some jobs are eliminated, and new jobs are created. The transition to the Internet of Things (IoT) is no different. While automation and more efficient processes may eliminate some jobs, IoT is creating…
A Strong Partner Ecosystem Is the First Ingredient for IoT Success
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a critical next step for 21st century companies. But it’s also a complex, multidimensional transformation, demanding new skill sets, technologies, and business models. How to get started? Over years of working with companies at various stages in the IoT journey, I’ve…
Innovation Grand Challenge Winners Showcase Diversity of Digital Solutions for Industry and Government
Amid more than 50,000 global innovators at this week’s Web Summit in Lisbon, three emerged victorious just moments ago in our third annual Innovation Grand Challenge. The electrified atmosphere of Europe’s largest innovation marketplace heated up when our own challenge finalists took the stage and p…
Stuck in Traffic? Drones May Provide Relief
Much has been made of the commercial potential of drones, yet actually implementing commercial drone applications seems to be mired in a complex web of unclear regulations and doubt about technical feasibility. While it may yet take a long time to work through the regulatory issues, Cisco is moving…
Securing the Internet of Things Is Everybody’s Responsibility
For the past couple of weeks, security and the Internet of Things (IoT) have been in the news like never before. During the first few days after the massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on domain name service Dyn, I almost couldn’t look at a news outlet without seeing or hearing a dis…
Let’s Co-Innovate the Next Big Thing Next Week at Web Summit
Next week, about 50,000 innovators will be abuzz with new ideas as they converge in Lisbon, Portugal for Europe’s most spectacular technology marketplace. It is the annual Web Summit, Nov. 7-10. Innovation leaders from around the world at Fortune 500 companies, startups, venture capital firms, acad…
Happy Birthday, OpenFog Consortium! New Alliance Accelerates Fog Technology Development
As we approach the first anniversary of the Open Fog Consortium, I am proud of the strides we have made in building a diverse community dedicated to an open, collaborative approach to fog computing technology. Just this week, OpenFog and Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) announced a new strategi…