#WednesdayWalkabout Series: Digital Countries – Stories of Success
Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp All aboard the digital express Communities and countries of all sizes are in motion toward a digital future…and if not, they risk being left behind. This then begs the question, what does ‘digitize’ really mean? Certainly, there’s no instruction manual for the task. T…
#WednesdayWalkabout Series: Learn Without Limits
Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp Learn Without Limits Today’s new technology trends, particularly those around digitization and the Internet of Everything, present education with an unprecedented amplifier. We now have the capacity to share knowledge to an exponentially larger number of people than e…
How IoE Helps the Navy Connect the Open Ocean
The Internet of Everything will have far-reaching effects in a multitude of industries over the next few years. There will be an estimated 50 billion devices and objects connected to the internet by 2020. The movement toward an increasingly connected world is already transforming operations in the r…
#WednesdayWalkabout Series: Health Tech, Coming Soon to a Location Near You
Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp Digital Health Wave Here we are, now in the digital age. Blah blah, you know that already. But while we all sit around with our smart phones, shopping, socializing, working, and living in the digital world; the reality is that we’ve really only started to scratch the…
Video Interpretation Solutions Help Ensure Equality in the Justice System
While I was thinking about the topic of my second post in the court series leading up to the CTC conference in September, I came across an interesting news article. The state of California just announced that it will now provide court interpreters for free in all court cases. In the past, the state…
#WednesdayWalkabout Series: Special Edition
Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp We interrupt this program for a special message This week we kicked off our presence at some exciting events to discuss ongoing issues facing city, country, public safety, and defense leaders across the globe. We are at a unique point in the evolution of our world and…
Does Fast IT work in Government? It sure does: check out the case studies.
In my previous post, I explained how CIOs are reinventing the mission and role of the IT department in order to support the Digital Transformation of their organisation. And that adopting a Fast IT model is less about technology and more about progressive cultural and process changes. But is this re…
Safer Communities and Countries in the Digital Era
Keeping citizens, communities, and countries safer Around the world, countries are under increasing pressure to better serve their citizens, protect critical resources, and ensure safe communities and nations. In response to these pressing challenges, governments are seeking innovative solutions to…
#WednesdayWalkabout Series: Appointment Day with the CIO
Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp Citizen-centric Services in the Digital Era Governments today face a challenging and rapidly changing environment. Ambitious reforms and revenue generating operations are taking precedence, even while a trend of cost cutting and budget tightening is taking effect. Thi…

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