Connected Justice

May 20, 2016


11th International Conference for Courts Best Practices

This week I had the opportunity to participate in the 11th International Association for Court Administration (IACA) conference.  This conference has been another valuable best practices sharing event with 83 speakers from 53 countries sharing regional and global best practices for justice in the co…

May 4, 2016


Time to Submit for 2016 Community Policing Awards

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and Cisco Community Policing Awards process is a great way to showcase a Policing agency’s positive efforts at building partnerships within their community. Cisco has partnered with the IACP to encourage policy agency leaders to apply to highl…

March 11, 2016


Best Practices in International Courts

Cisco is proud to sponsor the 11th  International Association for Court Administration (IACA) conference that will be held in The Hague, The Netherlands, May 18-20, 2016 at the World Trade Centre. The theme will be sharing regional and global approaches to justice administration. These global IACA c…

October 22, 2015


Public Safety Series: EOCs Harness Video to Improve Emergency Response

Last month, I had the opportunity to speak with PoliceOne about how Cisco solutions are helping to improve public safety in an area most people aren’t aware of: emergency operations centers. Emergency operations centers, or EOCs, are the center of disaster response efforts, helping to coordinate the…

October 15, 2015


Public Safety Series: How the City of McAllen Transformed their Judicial Process with Video Solutions

In my last blog post in the Public Safety Series, I discussed how police forces could use video technologies to improve their training programs. In addition to training, there are numerous other ways that law enforcement agencies can utilize video solutions to both operate more efficiently as a depa…

September 21, 2015


Video Interpretation Solutions Help Ensure Equality in the Justice System

While I was thinking about the topic of my second post in the court series leading up to the CTC conference in September, I came across an interesting news article. The state of California just announced that it will now provide court interpreters for free in all court cases. In the past, the state…

June 18, 2015


Kick-off: A Blog Series about Public Safety and Security for Government Agencies

The Internet of Everything (IoE) is changing the game for public safety. Through connected smart technologies, public safety agencies can continue to drive the needle forward as they serve their growing populations even as budgets remain constrained. Today’s deputies and officers are accustomed to a…

May 27, 2015


Local Government and Law Enforcement Share Unique Insights

Cisco recently held a public safety panel to discuss how public sector agencies are addressing reduced workforces and constrained budgets. Central to the topic of discussion were cost-effective solutions to keep citizens and public spaces safe. Jonathan Thompson, executive director of the National S…

October 2, 2014


Highlights from IACA Sydney 2014 #ConnectedJustice #CiscoPublicSafety

I had the opportunity to attend the International Association for Court Administration (IACA) conference in Sydney, Australia last week. Congratulations to IACA for a very successful 7th conference with an amazing group of court leaders from more than 40 countries around the world. Distinguished spe…