
May 20, 2016


11th International Conference for Courts Best Practices

This week I had the opportunity to participate in the 11th International Association for Court Administration (IACA) conference.  This conference has been another valuable best practices sharing event with 83 speakers from 53 countries sharing regional and global best practices for justice in the co…

October 15, 2015


Public Safety Series: How the City of McAllen Transformed their Judicial Process with Video Solutions

In my last blog post in the Public Safety Series, I discussed how police forces could use video technologies to improve their training programs. In addition to training, there are numerous other ways that law enforcement agencies can utilize video solutions to both operate more efficiently as a depa…

September 21, 2015


Video Interpretation Solutions Help Ensure Equality in the Justice System

While I was thinking about the topic of my second post in the court series leading up to the CTC conference in September, I came across an interesting news article. The state of California just announced that it will now provide court interpreters for free in all court cases. In the past, the state…

October 10, 2014


#CiscoPublicSafety Series: Redefining Public Safety and Justice through IoE

Public safety and justice agencies around the world are facing the increasingly difficult challenge of dealing with shrinking resources. In the U.S., for example, results from a survey conducted by the International Association of Chiefs of Police and Major Cities Chiefs Association show an estimate…