Following the Framework: Pro Tips From Cisco
The NIST Cybersecurity Framework is the core of the president’s recent cybersecurity executive order, and even before it became the foundation of a mandate it was darn good advice. However, there is no one easy way to align a given IT organization with the framework; each one has its own unique cons…
Moving From CLI to Automation? You Have Choices.
Software Defined Networking (SDN), and the dizzying number of different ways IT organizations define it, continues to be a moving target. However, whatever the definition of SDN is this month, it is clear from talking to customers and seeing how the large web and cloud providers are transforming the…
IoT Brings New Value, New Risks
My first blog post! Let me take a minute to introduce myself, I’m an engineer inside our Federal Group, and mostly help our customers with networking design and deployment, with a huge focus on security. I live in the Washington, DC area, with my wife, kid, and dog. More about the dog in a moment. T…
Take Seriously This Sentence in the Cybersecurity Executive Order
The Cybersecurity Executive Order that President Trump signed on May 11 shouldn’t tell you much that don’t already know about the importance of security to the Federal Government. However, there’s a sentence in it that should give every agency leader a fresh sense of urgency: “The President will hol…
Trump Wants IT Modernization Funding, but Will Congress Approve?
If President Trump gets his way in the next fiscal budget, Federal Agencies will get nearly $100 billion to spend on IT. The problem: The president never gets his budget request passed as written, and this president is attracting an unusual number of Congressional critics from within his own party,…
Parents in Prison: How Cisco is Helping Families Stay Connected
“When I was growing up in Indianapolis, we didn’t have a lot of money. We weren’t exactly poor, but then again, we never vacationed at Disneyland. Maybe Rock City . . . the Smoky Mountains – or Kings Island if we were lucky. But even then it was just for a weekend. So when our family needed an…
Making Cybersecurity a Part of the Smart City Process
The rapid and inevitable hyper connectivity manifesting in the evolving digital world, while opening up massively impressive opportunities, leave many organizations exposed to new entry points where nefarious cyber actors can inflict damage. Recently, we just watched this unfold across the world wit…
IT Roadblocks: A Shared Pain
Quick, tell me three top reasons why U.S. Federal Agencies can’t adopt advanced technologies faster. If you said leadership, legacy and workforce, you win! Your prize is … um … well, you win the satisfaction of being right. In a recent survey by Accenture, focused mainly on the adoption of intellige…
Smart Decisions Make Smart Cities
Digital transformation is about technology. But, when it comes to creating sustainable smart cities, it is important to understand uniqueness, what makes the community tick and keeps people happily and proudly living there. Through the secure connectivity of digital transformation, cities and commun…

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