
It’s that time of the year! European Cyber Security Awareness Month is upon us once again.

As in previous years we’ll be bringing you a weekly roundup of the latest and greatest security stories and blogs from within Cisco, with a particular focus on EMEAR. So, stay tuned for a wealth of security-related opinions, insights and tips from some of the industry’s top professionals.

First up this week, Lothar Renner, Managing Director, Cybersecurity, Cisco EMEAR, has outlined his views on where cybersecurity is headed. Lothar has also outlined some Europe-specific insights from Cisco’s CISO Benchmark Study, and outlined what tools he feels are needed to fight cybercrime moving forward…

EMEAR Perspectives: The future of cybersecurity
Lothar Renner
In this year’s worldwide Cisco CISO Benchmark Study, we were pleased to see that organisations in Europe are feeling more positive and optimistic about their cybersecurity approach…

Similarly, introducing cybersecurity month on Cisco’s Global Newsroom, John Stewart, Cisco’s SVP, Chief Security and Trust Officer has taken a look at recent developments in the cybersecurity industry, and what this means for the provision of cybersecurity in the future…

Our World in Transition and Our Future Demands
John Stewart
Cybersecurity Awareness Month is a time to reflect on how far we’ve come, study the trends we face today, and look ahead to opportunities facing the security community and society.

Over on the UKI security blog Hazel Burton, Marketing Storyteller for IT Security, has offered some practical tips for those aspiring to grapple with cybersecurity in the UKI market…

Getting into cybersecurity: Tales from the front line
Hazel Burton
The cybersecurity industry couldn’t be more exciting, but how do you get into it? If you’re considering a career in cyber, this article might just be of interest to you!

The 5 biggest cyber threats, and how to protect against them
Hazel Burton
People often ask us, “What’s the next big threat?” or, “What are your predictions for what hackers will do in the future?”

Germany and the Netherlands have also taken a close look at how cybersecurity is handled in their localities, and how this compares to other countries around the world, (local language content)…

How do German companies master the challenges of cybersecurity? (GERMAN)
Susanne Osswald
Cyber ​​attacks on your IT know no national boundaries. Nevertheless the responsible parties in Germany – CIOs and CISOs – defend against the constant danger of cyberattacks somewhat differently than others…

Knowledge of cyber security terminology amongst Dutch decision makers insufficient (DUTCH)
Press release
Knowledge of cyber security terminology amongst decision makers in Dutch organizations leaves something to be desired. More than one in three, for example, is not familiar with the term ‘Two Factor Authentication’, according to the latest Cisco research in The Netherlands.

And lastly, Edna Conway, Cisco’s Chief Security Officer, outlines a few basic principles in addressing security challenges in the supply chain, ahead of her talk on the same subject at NATO NIAS’19 in Mons, Belgium in October.

Security in A World of “WE” – Embracing Our Third Party Ecosystems
Edna Conway

Want to learn more about Cisco’s views and offerings? Why not head to one of Cisco’s many English-language security resources, including: