Digital Transformation
Accelerate Your Business with the New Cisco IoT System
Consider this: By the time you’ve finished reading this short paragraph, another 1,000 “things” will be connected to the Internet. And we’re not even talking about a lengthy paragraph of Dickensian proportion — just this modest paragraph of 39 words. Those newly connected things will be a mix…
Unleashing Value with Today’s IoT Innovation Leaders
Who is innovating the next big thing? Where are they? Will it be you? Whether in a garage, lab, university, startup or coffee shop, we at Cisco are searching the world over for entrepreneurs developing the next innovative game-changers around the Internet of Things (IoT). How will we find you? On Mo…
The Digital Vortex, Where Disruption Is Constant and Innovation Rules
Given the breakneck pace of technology change, business leaders can be forgiven for feeling as if they are living in a vortex. That’s because, in many ways, they are. In a real vortex, rotational forces draw everything to the center, where objects collide and combine in unpredictable ways. To me, th…
Co-Innovating With Our Customers
In the past couple of years, I have been delighted to see how the digital revolution has accelerated the pace of innovation at warp speed. It has been even more gratifying, however, to experience how this trend has disrupted traditional relationships between technology suppliers and their customers.…
Connected Machines Take Manufacturing to the Next Level of IoT
We’ve all seen how connected products can transform industries in areas like home energy management and personal health, and manufacturing is no exception. When products communicate back to their original makers, the manufacturers can detect production flaws well before customers would need to raise…
What happened after the Innovation Grand Challenge Awards?
At Cisco, we have invested significant time, money and resources into igniting innovation around the Internet of Everything (IoE) both inside and outside the company. Since fostering an innovation ecosystem is so critical to the success of IoE, last year we launched the global Innovation Grand Chall…
Security as an Enabler in a World of Increased Manufacturing Vulnerability
Manufacturing is entering a new digital era, with more opportunity for mass customization, reduced downtime, and increased innovation. Manufacturers are capturing the value of the Internet of Everything (IoE) by becoming digital. Many are taking their first steps in this transformation by adopting E…
Analytics, Separating Facts from Myth
If you ever want to start an argument, simply ask a group of music fans to name the most influential act of the Rock era. Then step back and watch the sparks fly! As a musician myself, popular music, its origins and evolution have long been a topic of interest and passionate debate among my circle o…
Cisco’s IoT World Forum Young Women’s Innovation Grand Challenge Top 20 Finalist Announced
Team, Cisco is proud to announce the top 20 finalists from the first annual IoT World Forum Young Women’s Innovation Grand Challenge! In collaboration with our key partners, this challenge enabled us to connect with over 1500 girls between the ages of 13-18, located in 171 countries across the…