DevOps with CloudCenter and Kubernetes in a Multicloud Environment – Part 1
The need for digital innovation Whatever your business might be, your internal and external customers expect more and more services, greater efficiency and a better experience. Providing new services (which in most cases will mean a new or revamped application) to customers and anticipating your com…
The Business Benefit behind ACI and Multicloud Networking
I had the chance to spend some time with some of our customers at Cisco Live Melbourne this past week where they asked me about ways to justify the migration to a Software-Defined-Network approach with ACI, by providing hard evidence that this is a game-changer for any industry. I joked with them (s…
Why Your Business Needs a New and Simpler Multicloud Network
Businesses rely on IT to differentiate in any industry by providing better services and user experiences in today’s Digital World. The network has evolved, and it plays a key role in this journey. I often get asked about my top recommendations when building Enterprise Data Center Networks and I want…
Cloud Unfiltered, Ep72: AI-driven Decentralized IaaS is Here
First off, there are two things you need to know about this week’s guest on the Cloud Unfiltered podcast: 1) Barack Obama follows her on Twitter, and 2) She and her husband modified a Hummer to run on vegetable oil. Those two things alone make her interesting enough (and cool enough) that I would be…
20 Billion Edge Devices?!
Were you aware that there are projected to be 20 Billion (with a B) edge devices in use by 2020 (next year)?! I wasn’t either. It’s just not the kind of thing that keeps me awake at night. But apparently it is exactly the kind of thing that keeps some people up. They worry about how edge application…
Cisco & ngena Enable Accelerated Turnkey Global Networking Solution
“You may delay, but time will not.” How Cisco and ngena are helping entrepreneurs get back what they preciously need: Time You are probably familiar with this famous quote by Benjamin Franklin, that I used in the headline. And although Franklin made this statement more than 200 years ago, I believe…
Exploring the Cisco Hybrid Solution for Kubernetes on AWS
I’m not an IT leader, but if I were, I have to say that I’d find the whole concept of hybrid cloud exhausting. Not so much because it’s inherently hard to comprehend, but because the definition of it seems slippery at best—varying greatly over time and by whom you’re talking to. At various points I’…
Cisco CloudCenter Suite: Your Multicloud Management Champion
In a few days, over one hundred million viewers will experience the phenomenon known as the Super Bowl. As fans of championship sporting events like the Super Bowl or, for my friends outside of the US, the World Cup, we expect a gratifying experience during these events and are solely focused on our…
AIOps & the Future of Performance Monitoring
Two years ago, Cisco announced the intent to acquire AppDynamics, and to celebrate, we hosted a one-of-a-kind virtual launch even on January 23rd. At AppDynamics Transform, David Wadhwani, CEO of AppDynamics, shared what’s next for AppDynamics and Cisco. Anuj Kapur, SVP & Chief Strategy Of…

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