The New Era of Application Innovation
We’ve all been there. Fired up our online banking app only to get a server error. Tried to buy something online but the app times out before we can complete the process. Attempted to download an online catalog only to have the image loading stall. Customers today have high expectations for how apps…
The Network as the Heart of Digital Businesses
A few weeks back, I experienced a set of events related to my heart (nothing to worry in case you were wondering) and I just realized how many times we take this critical organ for granted. It is amazing how it adapts as our body changes, pumping blood to every cell continuously. Since I am an IT gu…
Future-Proof Your Environment with AIOps, Cloud, DevOps, or Digital Experience Monitoring
Enterprise IT infrastructure is becoming more complex as companies are developing and monitoring public, private, and hybrid cloud environments along with microservices and third-party integrations — all this results in fragmented data and customer experiences. We conducted a survey to dig deeper in…
CloudCenter Suite SaaS Now Available!
Last January, we introduced the next chapter of multicloud application and workflow management with CloudCenter Suite, in a new version that brings significant new functionality and capabilities with the addition of Cost Optimizer and Action Orchestrator. Now CloudCenter Suite is also available “as…
Simplifying Container Orchestration with Cisco Hybrid Solution for Kubernetes on AWS
For organizations that are adopting DevOps practices and modern cloud capabilities to accelerate innovation and gain competitive advantage, one of the biggest challenges is maintaining common and consistent environments through an application’s lifecycle from development through to deployment. Conta…
How To Provision a Production-Grade Kubernetes Cluster From Anywhere, With Just One Button (Literally)
Do you remember? I bet all of you who are working or playing with Kubernetes still remember perfectly the first time you tried to install it. And then the second time. And then the third time. … And finally, the one that it worked. And most likely, if you’re a professional you also remember th…
Cisco & Google Cloud: It Is All About The Multicloud User
It’s no secret that users demand more in the digital age. This means going beyond brands and proprietary technologies to ensure things work together seamlessly and make people’s lives simpler, faster and easier. When we announced our partnership with Google Cloud in 2017, we talked about our shared…
Cloud Ready Networks for Public Sector
Safer Schools, Smart Cities and Connected Roadways – state and Local governments are using technology to create these real-world outcomes. In the Federal Government, technology is used to improve citizen services, and allow soldiers, sailors and airmen to do their jobs safely and securely, an…
It Pays to Pay Attention to Your Cloud Bill
The IT focus on cost-cutting is not new. But managing your monthly cloud bill is different from trimming operating costs and wringing efficiencies from on-premises purchased hardware. Unlike buying infrastructure for your data center, which includes a one-time outlay to a hardware vendor, buying clo…

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