Wireless and Mobility
Catch Us If You Can: Cisco Mobility at NRF 2013
If you’re going to NRF, you might be interested in how to build customer relationships, maintain brand loyalty and boost sales. If your answer is a resounding YES, don’t miss our mobility events. Here’s our line-up next week in New York. Engage and Entice Your Customers with New Wi-Fi Solutions . Da…
I Got 99 Problems But Application Visibility Ain’t One
Do you have trouble viewing, controlling, and troubleshooting the causes of poor end-user application experience? You may be suffering from low application visibility in your network, a side-effect of the flood of devices pouring into your workplace, the phenomenon commonly known as BYOD. Symptoms i…
Why Every Business Should Be a Fan of Teleworking
While employee work flexibility and increased job satisfaction are strong reasons to consider teleworking solutions, the latest report from the Telework Research Network shows that there are even more compelling reasons to support teleworking at your business. Can you imagine a world where teleworki…
The Ten Most Popular Mobility Blog Posts of 2012
Takeaway: The Cisco Enterprise Wireless group helps networking and IT professionals stay informed and get the most out of Cisco’s products and solutions, while displaying thought leadership on major technological trends. For 2012, there were 10 posts that stood out from the rest. Cisco Enterprise Wi…
Santa’s Gift for Wireless Admins This Holiday Season
Last week, a friend of mine jokingly asked me, “So, what is Santa bringing to Cisco’s wireless customers this holiday season?” I couldn’t help but grin because I already knew what many of you are now aware of: Santa’s wireless holiday delivery came early this year, with Release 7.4 now posted on Cis…
Cisco NRF 2013 – Preview of Cisco BYOD Demonstration
This is our third preview of what Cisco will be showcasing at the 102nd National Retail Federation Convention and Expo on January 14 and 15, 2013 in New York City. We’ll be showcasing Cisco Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) Smart Solution and see the technology that enables you to support mobile access t…
Holiday Shopping with Mobility
The holiday season is upon us, and if you’re like me, you can’t forget it with the traffic pick up as more folks are heading to stores to shop for friends and family after work. This season, retailers are trying harder than ever to reach their customers, and given mobile device usage is going throug…
[Podcast] Enhance Wireless with MSE & WSSI Module
We’re featured on the latest episode of No Strings Attached Show! Don’t miss our own product managers Jagdish Girimaj and Mark Denny take a deep dive with NSA Show hosts Blake Krone and Samuel Clements into the technology behind enhancing wireless with the Cisco Mobility Services Engine…
Harnessing the Potential of Wi-Fi in K-12 Schools
Last week, I traveled to Michigan to visit a Cisco customer. The customer was the Utica Community Schools who had recently installed a Cisco Wireless Solution including the new Aironet 2600 Access Point for all their K-12 Schools. I visited the elementary school where I was able to observe how the s…