
At the Intersection of Analytics and Your Connected Everything

By JT Taylor, Sr. Marketing Manager, Service Provider Marketing, Cisco Here’s something you undoubtedly already know: As consumers, we’re getting more and more connected. By some estimates, we fiddle with our phones every six seconds, on average. (Not you or me, of course. Absolutely not.) But some…

Our Cloud, Your Cloud, Somebody Else’s Cloud: You Pick!

By now we’re all very, very familiar with the concept of the “video anys” – any content, any device, anytime, anywhere. But for the most part, we’re familiar with it in a consumer context, as it relates to how and where and when they watch video, on whichever device. But what if the “anywhere” also…

On the Unstoppable “Appification” of Television: Charter, Roku, and Us!

It’s a wrap: Charter “Spectrum TV” customers who also own Roku devices can stream to their hearts’ delight — and Charter can have the peace of mind knowing that their content arrangements are safe and secure. That’s because Cisco and Roku are working together to simplify and speed up the deplo…

INTX 2016: Our “Giga Baby” Is a Year Old and Already Runs So Fast! 700 Mbps, Upstream

By Todd McCrum, Sr. Director, Strategy & Product Management, Cable Access BU It was at last year’s INTX, in Chicago, that we launched the cBR-8 (remember the “Giga-Baby”?) as a way to help our cable service provider customers affordably and quickly offer faster broadband speeds, with converged e…

Good People Goodness: A Toast to Kanouff, Clemson, and Raman!

By Marc Aldrich, SVP, Global Service Provider, Cisco We hereby interrupt this helter-skelter year in news, workload and general busy-ness to offer a moment of Zen, in the form of appreciating three trailblazers in our midst. By “trailblazers” I’m talking about Yvette Kanouff, Conrad Clemson, and Raj…

Pushing the Virtualization Envelope on Primary Distribution

I’ll make a bet. If you ask any of the leaders in broadcast television to sum up this year’s National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) convention in three words, they would say: IP, Virtualization, and HDR. And that’s no surprise. Collectively, our entire video ecosystem is searching for ways to ap…

May 9, 2016


What?! WebEx has Video?

I used to hate meetings. But we all know meetings are critical to running a business. They are basically the operating engine of a company. Meetings are just how people get work done… even though they are often boring and occasionally painful. Which is why I love WebEx. With WebEx, meetings are bett…

The biggest cost cut you can make right now? Virtualize your video

As cloud-based solutions continue to proliferate, it’s clear that the virtualized video revolution has already begun. How much of your video infrastructure still relies on dedicated appliances? Today, a growing number of pay TV providers are taking a different approach. By virtualizing key functions…

April 19, 2016


#CiscoChampion Radio, S3|Ep. 11: VBrick

#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’re discussing VBrick with Cisco experts Patty Yan and Rob Morris. Get the Podcast Listen to this episode Download this episode (right-click on the episode’s download button) View this episode in iTunes Cisco Gue…