November 29, 2013


Cisco expands the SAP Competency Center in Walldorf in a big way

The Cisco SAP Competency Center expanded its presence at the SAP Partner Port in Walldorf  Germany on November 11, 2013. Watch the video of Padmasree Warrior, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for Cisco and Vishal Sikka, CTO and Executive Board Member for SAP as they welcome those…

November 27, 2013


Exploring the Nexus 1000 V REST API

Out with the old and in with the new and honestly I couldn’t be happier with the new that’s coming in. What is the new that I’m talking about? The Nexus 1000V REST API of course. I just finished writing scripts to manage (create, modify, delete) vlans and port-profiles on a Nexus 1000V using expect.…

November 25, 2013


Cisco’s Microsoft Momentum Continues…

The Microsoft ecosystem continues to be an important area of focus with our Cisco Datacenter product and solution teams. UCS, Nexus, UCS Management, and ACI teams have continued to innovate and launch new offerings during the past few months. Let’s take a look at our recent happenings and launches t…

November 14, 2013


UCS E-Series: The Survivability Guide | Inside the Branch

It goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway): reliability is important, as well as ensuring that you have a backup plan to continue that reliability. Just yesterday as I was embarking on my 50-mile commute into the office, I discovered that one of my car tires was completely flat. A spare tire, a…

November 13, 2013


#EngineersUnplugged S4|Ep4: Flash Acceleration

This week we’re back on Engineers Unplugged with special guests J Metz (@drjmetz) and Francois Zimmerman (@francoiszim), who discuss Flash Acceleration and the recent CVD release (Cisco Solution for Hitachi Unified Compute Solution) on the topic. Great discussion about how flash storage is cha…

November 13, 2013


Cloud Service Provider deploys End-to-End FCoE

In one of my earlier blogs, – “How to get more SAN mileage….” – I had highlighted how one can deploy End-to-End FCoE using a converged Director-class platform, like Nexus 7000, connected directly from the converged access switch, like UCS FI, in order to get the utmost…

November 12, 2013


The Dirty Secrets of Server Power

Power efficiency remains a top decision point for many customers looking to modernize their data center. Customers searching for an accurate way to compare server power among vendors are often directed to use power calculators without taking into account the many factors that drive power utilization…

November 10, 2013


Building a Trusted SAP HANA Data Center

SAP®HANATM is a next-generation database platform for real-time analytics and applications. Although the in-memory, columnar relational database debuted only recently (in June 2011), it has quickly become the fastest growing product in the history of SAP AG. Already proven enormously successful for…

November 7, 2013


UCS E-Series: A Platform for Innovation | Inside the Branch

We’re in November now, so of course it’s getting chilly outside – even here in California! This means the holidays are right around the corner and retailers are gearing up for their busiest time of year. A growing trend these days is that more than half of holiday shoppers with smartphones pla…