
October 14, 2019


Five Industries for Monetizing your 5G Investment

Co-Authored with Dan Wiggins, Vice President, Industry Solutions Group at Cisco Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last few years, you probably know that the fifth generation of cellular network technology, 5G, is going to unleash some serious power with lower latency, higher bandwidth, gre…

Sponsored Data is off to a Rolling Start

In a mobile application ecosystem dominated by Over-the-Top (OTT) providers, mobile operators need to exploit new business models in ways to create value with them. One example of a Monetization use case promising a new business model is Sponsored Data. An early proponent among operators has been AT…

T-Mobile Helps Drive New Standard to Simplify IPv6 Deployment

T-Mobile USA has been one of the first carriers to widely deploy IPv6, seeking to overcome the lack of IPv4 addresses and to lay the foundation for their network for the Internet of Everything. However, one of the headaches they’ve faced is that some applications which work fine over IPv4 don’t play…