Cisco Introduces a 5G Security Architecture to Enable Secure Network Transformation
If you’re anything like me, your mobile device is your lifeline, allowing you to be always on and connected to a network. Smart devices, including our cars and appliances, are now connected to a network. We’ve seen steady advances in wireless technology and now we’re seeing trials of 5G connectivit…
Security Threats – The New Reality for Utilities
Security experts agree: Cyberattacks are the new reality for utility companies. On Jan. 10th, 2018, a major power outage hits the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Las Vegas. For nearly two hours, participants were reminded that without electricity, the digital economy would not survive very well. In…
Setting the Cybersecurity Bar Higher – Announcing the Cisco 2018 Annual Cybersecurity Report
Today marks the launch of the Cisco 2018 Annual Cybersecurity Report, which offers security industry data, analysis and insights about attacker behavior over the past year. This report – now in its 11th year – provides a view into the techniques that adversaries use to elude defenses and evade detec…
How I Built the Greatest Trade Show Booth of my Life. So Far!
Part of my role has always been to create and present workshops, talks and labs at our conferences, such as Cisco LIVE! It’s an enjoyable challenge, finding new and interesting ways to engage with attendees. Our developer zone, DEVNET, aims to provide a ‘sales-light’ environment, focused on hands-on…
Make a Security Resolution with a Trustworthy Network Infrastructure
In 2017, businesses lost hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue as a result of cyber attacks. You saw cyber threats all over the news with data breaches permeating the economy. The WannaCry ransomware attack affected hundreds of thousands of computers globally. The Equifax breach, considered one…
A Necessary Paradox: Trust and Value for Industrial IoT
Introducing: Cisco Industrial IoT Security Journey Series. It’s a fact: most people are worried about data breaches. A Cisco Value/Trust Paradox report, based on a survey of 3,000 consumers, revealed that while 42 percent of respondents appreciate the values of the Internet of Things (IoT) data, onl…
Year in Review: Charting a Path Through the Fog
Fog computing is the distributed cloud technology that enables many of the real-time, data-intensive capabilities of the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G mobile technology, and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. 2017 was a banner year for this emerging technology, reflected in the work that Cisc…
Medical device security: Three ways you can act to reduce the risk
If 2017 was about ransomware attacks, 2018 will be about cyber attacks on the Internet of Things (aka medical devices). As we begin the year, that’s the message we’re hearing from a number of sources. This should come as no surprise to those of us in the healthcare industry, given the re…
Meltdown Proves that the Industry Needs a Better Answer for Protecting Cloud Content
Security researchers announced this week that they had discovered a significant vulnerability in almost every computer on the planet. This vulnerability – actually two related ones called Meltdown and Spectre – allow a malicious application running on a computer to peek into the memory of another ap…