Weird? Or Previously Unexplored?
A connected toothbrush that gives you a virtual checkup every time you brush – is that weird, or near-term reality? I recently came across the article “25 Weirdest Things in the ‘Internet of Things’” in InfoWorld, which focuses on the different – and what many might consider unorthodox – ways…
Available Now: Cisco Retail Webcast “Build Customer Loyalty, Boost Store Revenue”
Do you want to increase sales by providing shoppers with the information they need when and where they need it – in your store? Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences solution can help you do just that. Connected Mobile Experiences is a new solution that helps enables retail organizations to use Wi-Fi l…
Question: Are you PCI Compliant? Are you Secure? Part 2 of 2
Last week, we sat down with Bart McGlothin and Christian Janoff from Cisco’s security team to discuss PCI Security for Retail to better understand “What is PCI Compliance?” and “How does that affect Retailers?” As a quick re-cap: PCI Compliance is a 12-step process to secure credit cards. Any retail…
How Big Data Will Save the Physical Store
Reports of the physical retail store’s death have been greatly exaggerated. As a recent survey from the Cisco® Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) found, 93 percent of products sold in the United States are still bought in brick-and-mortar locations. And while technology has upended many produc…
Cisco’s Chief Futurist Shares Top 5 Predictions for 2013 and Beyond #IoE
The future intrigues us all, especially when every now and then we’re able to catch a glimpse of what’s to come. At Cisco, one of the ways we build our business and serve our customers is to think about the future and how technology innovation stands to transform the world in which we live. This app…
Big Data in Retailing: Follow the Money!
Retailers looking at the Big Data opportunity may well find themselves with an array of choices: the opportunities seem so vast, where does one begin? Well, a pragmatic way forward is to focus on some pragmatic possibilities and then “follow the money”! In examining the Big Data opportunity for reta…
Cisco NRF 2013 – Two New Mobility Solutions Video Demonstrations
We’ve posted two new videos of the mobility solutions that we showcased in the Cisco booth at NRF 2013. Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences – Deliver personalized, highly targeted mobile services to consumers to optimize the customer experience and enhance store profits Cisco BYOD Smart Soluti…
Cisco NRF 2013 — Cisco Remote Expert Smart Solution for Retail Demonstration
“Great show!” That’s what we’ve been hearing from retailers who visited Cisco’s booth and attended our Big Ideas Sessions at NRF 2013. I led the demonstration of the Cisco Remote Expert Smart Solution for Retail in our booth. This solution transforms how you connect and interact with your customers.…
Building Trust in the Expanding World of Big Data Retailing
These days, the generation of data has become almost as constant as breathing. With every click or swipe, today’s mobile, hyperconnected consumers exhale an ever-expanding trail of digital details, revealing troves of information about their wants, needs, interests, well-being, and aspirations. All…