November 9, 2015


Network Automation for DevOps

This is our third episode for what I have personally termed the ‘NX-OS’ exposed series.   The first two have been about programmability.  Exploring the exposed interfaces, Object Models, the NX Tool kit and more of the NX-API framework that enables DevOps teams to respond more quickly. [TWTV 176 …

October 6, 2015


Experience Day 0, 1, 2 and N Operations @ PuppetConf

Craig Huitema blogged about Cisco’s SDN strategy and one of the key pillars is programmable networks. Cisco’s programmable networks is based on Nexus operating system NX-OS and our Robb Boyd from TechWiseTV covers it here and goes in more depth about NX-API REST (Object model) here and here. Also go…

August 7, 2015


Open NX-OS featured on TechWiseTV

This is the first in a multi-part series where we cover ‘programmability’ for networking.  The idea is to fully review the programming options now available inside the Nexus switches, (3000, 9000).  This first episode covers new access with Linux tools, NX-API and more. Further shows will be diving…

August 6, 2015


The Puppet Labs Integration With NX-OS Is Here

As we continue our journey of openness that is summarized by ZK Research: Cisco’s Data Center Strategy is Built on Openness, we announced the Open NX-OS at Cisco Live San Diego in June 2015 that runs on Nexus 3K and Nexus 9K platforms. The Open NX-OS extensibility supports: Object store and m…

May 15, 2015


Open Networking with Cisco ACI and Open NX-OS

Over the last couple of years, Data Centers have become a key focus on networking innovations, particularly around the broad area of Software Defined Networking (SDN).  At Cisco, for nearly one year, we have been shipping our new way to build a Data Center with our Application Centric Infrastructure…

December 22, 2014


Why Upgrade to MDS 9700

MDS 9500 family has supported customers for more than a decade helping them  through FC speed transitions from 1G, 2G, 4G, 8G and 8G advanced without forklift upgrades. But as we look in the future the MDS 9700 makes more sense for a lot of data center designs.  Top four reasons for customers to upg…

October 29, 2014


Cisco Features you should be using

I know more than once now the Cisco ISR/ISR-G2’s Series have been dubbed as the ‘Swiss Army Knife’ of networking devices, simply due to the amount of flexibility & the number of technologies available to you when deploying these devices. Luckily for us, these devices provide even more features a…

October 1, 2014


MDS 9700 Scale Out and Scale Up

This is the final part on the High Performance Data Center Design. We will look at how high performance, high availability and flexibility allows customers to scale up or scale out over time without any disruption to the existing infrastructure.  MDS 9710 capabilities are field proved with the wide…

September 24, 2014


Next Generation Data Center Design With MDS 9700 – Part III

Note: This is the third of a three-part series on Next Generation Data Center Design with MDS 9700; learn how customers can deploy scalable SAN networks that allow them to Scale Up or Scale Out in a non disruptive way.  Part 1 | Part 2 ] This week is exciting, had opportunity to sit on round table w…