F5 Agility 2017 ready to rock Chicago – Countdown starts now
Chicago in August is known for film and food festivals, music events and many more fun stuff. And this fall season, we have the F5 Agility event further adding a sizzle to the conference scene at the Hilton Chicago. From a Cisco standpoint, F5 Agility 2017 prominently features Cisco ACI and Tetrati…
Segment Routing, fundamental to make your network SDN-ready!
Once again, MPLS World Congress 2017 proves to be a major event for the Networking industry and a key milestone for Segment Routing debates between vendors and customers. Industry at large is backing up Segment Routing: we are seeing adoption across all customer market segments – Telcos, Web Provid…
Evolving the Nexus 9000 to Enhance Today’s Social, Mobile, Cloud and App-Centric World
For most enterprises today, remaining competitive requires them to modernize their data center infrastructure to deliver operational services at the pace and scale of the cloud and DevOps. The Cisco Nexus 9000 is a key component of Cisco ASAP data center as a foundational element of the modern infra…
Bringing Consistent Automation Across Cisco Nexus and Catalyst with Ansible 2.1
We had a busy week around the middle of July with ChefConf 2016 (Austin, Texas July 11 – 13) and Cisco Live US (Las Vegas, Nevada July 10 – 14). Now we’re moving on to AnsibleFest July 28 San Francisco where Cisco is a Gold sponsor as well as a Networking Hub sponsor. I guess the good news this ti…
If Programmability & Automation Top of Mind, Visit us @ChefConf, @CL Las Vegas
This year we have ChefConf 2016 (Austin, Texas July 11 – 13) and Cisco Live US (Las Vegas, Nevada July 10 – 14) occurring around the same time. We realize that customers may not be able to attend both so we made sure we’re present at ChefConf. Regardless where you’ll be, we got you covered! At ChefC…
Flexible Backup and Restore with PoAP Personality Profile
This is a guest blog written by Sunil Gudurvalmiki, Product Manager, Insieme Business Unit. Data center operations teams are increasingly looking at tools to automate and simplify the manual tasks. In addition, they are driving towards using the same tools across compute, storage and n…
Enabling DevOps Approach with Cisco NX-OS and Ansible
I blogged back in November 2015 when Cisco participated at the AnsibleFest in San Francisco and the response from the attendees has ranged from “wow you support Ansible” to “how does it work and show me use case.” Regardless of where you are in your expertise as a DevOps or network IT admin, I highl…
#CiscoChampion Radio, S3|Ep. 1. Open NX-OS Enabling a Dev Ops Driven Data Center
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’re talking about Open NX-OS Enabling a Dev Ops Driven Data Center with Cisco Subject Matter Experts Parag Deshpande & Shane Corban. Get the Podcast Listen to this episode Download this episode (right-click on…
Must-Knows About DevOps, Cisco Open NX-OS and Ansible
You may wonder what the terms “DevOps, Cisco Open NX-OS and Ansible” have to do with each other. If you plan to visit AnsibleFest 2015 in San Francisco, stop by the Cisco table to learn more. The DevOps approach has been embraced and pioneered by Web 2.0 customers for some time, and now we’re seein…