network security
Network Visibility for Mergers and Acquisitions
Mergers and acquisitions bring major challenges to nearly every aspect of a business, but integrating two different networks while maintaining enterprise security is perhaps one of the most demanding trials an organization can undergo. Every organization has their own security policies, and applying…
Cisco Extends Encrypted Traffic Analytics to Nearly 50,000 Customers
It’s here. Cisco has solved one of the biggest challenges facing the security industry – and now thousands of Cisco customers can start using this breakthrough new network security technology. Back in June, Cisco announced Encrypted Traffic Analytics – a breakthrough technology that identifies malwa…
A Guide for Encrypted Traffic Analytics
By now, you’ve heard of Encrypted Traffic Analytics, Cisco’s latest innovation that allows organizations to leverage the network to find threats in encrypted traffic. Wondering why this is big news? Consider these statistics (Gartner and NSS Labs): … 63 million new devices are attaching to enterpris…
When it Comes to Network Security, Your Best Defense is Security Everywhere!
New troubling cyberattacks are in the news almost daily. No one is immune. Have you checked your credit score lately? I just finished freezing mine. A national credit bureau breach is the latest wide-ranging theft of data to hit the news. You are probably wondering: “Is my network secure and what wo…
For Telecom service providers, cyber security is not an add-on
A rigorous and holistic approach to cyber security is critical for service providers, because trust is at the heart of their business Cyber attacks are a growing risk for organisations of all types. But security breaches can be particularly damaging for service providers, because their network infr…
The Intuitive Network: Breaking Down Cisco’s Biggest Innovation In the Past Decade
Just over a year ago, David McGrew, one of Cisco’s fellows, walked into my office to brief me on a project he was working on. The next 45 minutes were pretty unforgettable. He explained to me that he and his team had discovered how to solve one of the biggest challenges in network security: They had…
A Bromance for the Ages: When IT met OT
Jordan and Pippen. DeMar and Kyle. Magic and Kareem. The Great One and The Moose. Edwin and Jose (…too soon?) Sports history is filled with dynamic duos. Players who so perfectly complemented each other in skills and personality that they elevated their entire team to greatness. A business is no dif…
Cybersecurity for Defense: Insider Threat Part 1
The term “insider threat” is thrown around a great deal in the security world without much clarity. It’s a great marketing buzzword, but what exactly is an “insider threat” security program and how does it affect the Department of Defense? To start with, the National Counterintelligence and Security…
Network Security is Not Child’s Play
Do you remember the childhood game Gossip? Maybe you played it. A secret message is whispered from one person to the next until it reaches the last person who says out loud what they believed they heard. Whether by an honest misunderstanding or intentional sabotage, often the end message is nothing…