National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM)
Filling the Cybersecurity Professionals Gap – with Women
Due to the high-profile data breaches, cybersecurity has become a household word. Think back to just one month ago, when the data breach at Equifax exposed the personal information for 145.5 million consumers – almost half of all Americans. At Cisco, we know our customers and other business leaders…
Cisco Takes Exclusivity Out of Cybersecurity
Nearly 30 years ago, I attended the first of what would be hundreds of information security conferences throughout my career. I was astonished to be one of only a handful of females in a sea of men – our career goals were the same, but I had a steep climb compared to my male counterparts. I entered…
Ransomware – What it is, how to avoid it and what to do if it gets you
Ransomware has been all over the news since 2015. You’d think we would all know how to deal with it and the fad would be dying by now. Well, that’s what I would think. It turns out that ransomware generates a lot of cash for criminals, an estimated $1 billion in 2016. It also has a low cost struc…
Selling Security for Tomorrow’s Internet: Where Do You Start?
Setting the Stage October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month in the U.S., and the Cyber Security Month In Europe. Cisco is proud to be a Champion Sponsor. Throughout the month, the cyber security community comes together to highlight the simple steps that can be taken to stay safe online, an…
Architecting a More Secure Future
The new age of innovation is providing a level of convenience and technological advancements that were once unfathomable. But with every breakthrough comes challenges, and more precisely these days, security challenges. We, in the security industry, are constantly faced with new threats emerging fro…
Podcast: Preparing Today for Tomorrow’s Cyber Threats
For many countries around the world, October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, when participating governments and private industry sponsor advocacy campaigns to promote cyber awareness, and provide the information and resources for us all to be more safe and secure online. Cisco is a founding membe…
An IT Security Top 5 from the University of Oklahoma
The University of Oklahoma (OU) is using October, National Cyber Security Awareness Month (CSAM), to emphasize the creative and common-sense actions they are taking to improve cybersecurity and educate users across campus about the importance of being smart online. Higher education organizations fac…
Cybersecurity is Everyone’s Responsibility: 5 ways to turbo charge your security practices
This post was authored by Scott Garrett, GSSO, Cisco and Matt Gyde, Group Executive Security, Dimension Data. The speed at which we operate in a mobile world can result in risky user behaviors that threat actors are taking advantage of in order to breach information. Attackers are targeting the huma…
Taking the Necessary Cybersecurity Steps Forward with Federal Government Programs
As government agencies begin deploying cloud solutions and strategizing to meet cloud IT modernization mandates, a question arises – what will the future of the agency look like when they update their systems and start implementing cloud solutions? And further, possibly most important – will cyberse…