National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM)
Employees: Your Greatest Security Asset
As a CISO, I’m focused on the security of Cisco’s entire enterprise, not just our IT systems and infrastructure or the data our customers entrust in us. Because Cisco is a leading security technology provider, my team and I are fortunate to have the best tools to help prevent, detect and remediate c…
The Way In – Paths to a Cyber Career When You’re Not a Math Geek
The cybersecurity talent shortage is real, and it’s an all-hands-on-deck moment to overcome it. Yet many people who could be well qualified to take on the diverse roles that cyber needs are daunted at the prospect – if they don’t have the deep math or science background commonly associated with this…
Be Fearless: Advice to My 15-Year-Old Self on Pursuing a Cyber Career
I’ve been fortunate to have a great career. While I was drawn to math and science in school, it was rare for a woman to get a STEM-related job in the 1980s, but I did, and at NASA! What a start. That role led by happenstance to my working on the Morris Worm, one of the first big computer worms in hi…
Phishing 101: Protection for Everyone
Every October, we celebrate National Cybsersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). This NCSAM, the five weeks of October are focused on five separate cybersecurity themes: simple steps to online safety, cybersecurity in the workplace, prediction for tomorrow’s internet, consider a career in cybersecurity,…
Your Email Security Toolbox: Defense in Depth
While email remains the #1 threat vector, the tools attackers use continues to evolve — we’re no longer dealing with annoying emails sent by amateurs. Instead, well-funded and persistent organized crime and nation states create vast email schemes. At the heart of these attacks? Massive amount…
Securing Critical Infrastructure in the Digital Age
We know adversaries have the expertise and tools necessary to take down critical infrastructure and systems that cripple entire regions. These critical systems are essential to our global economy, physical security, and health. We rely on them to provide electricity in our homes; transportation to w…
Build a Secure Cyber Foundation
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month in the United States, European Union, and many countries around the world. Cybersecurity Awareness Month brings to light the many successes we’ve realized and the struggles we continue to face – a sobering reminder that our work is far from finished. This yea…
SMBs Cybersecurity Risk, Their Opportunity
Many SMBs are realizing they are exposed to similar threats as their enterprise peers. Often times, those realizations come after an attack. This year, we learned from the Cisco 2018 Security Capabilities Benchmark Study: More than half (54 percent) of all cyber-attacks result in financial damages o…
Security as a Strategic Imperative
In the digital era, every company is considered a technology company. Whether you provide electricity, banking or public transportation, you are increasingly dependent upon the internet and network connectively. If all companies are technology companies, that means all companies need to prioritize c…