
Distributech 2020 Takeaways

Automation and Diversity at Distributech 2020 2020 could be a great year for the Utility Industry. It’s easy to get focused on the challenges the industry faces and take pause: pace of change, wildfires, liability, climate change, renewables, workforce…the list goes on. But as I spoke to…

September 30, 2019


Multiply It: Fostering Diversity & Inclusion

Last month, the Business Roundtable modernized its principles on the role of a corporation. The purpose for many corporations now encompasses this list: value for customers, investing in employees, fostering diversity and inclusion, dealing fairly and ethically with suppliers, supporting the communi…

Sponsorship fuels a rich and diverse pipeline

Take The Multiplier Effect pledge today. Sponsorship is essential to creating rich and diverse teams. Having a rich pipeline of diversity is very important for me as I believe diverse teams are the best teams. Two years ago at Mobile World Congress, Cisco introduced The Multiplier Effect, which asks…