Mobile World Congress

Observations from Mobile World Congress 2016

I have just returned from a very interesting and jammed-packed week at Mobile World Congress 2016 in Barcelona. For the first time ever, over 100,000 people and 2,200 plus vendors attended this year’s premier technology festival. Much has changed in the industry over the last year since I reported m…

MWC16 takeaways

Mobile World Congress (MWC) continues to set records for attendance with 101,000 people through the doors according to GSMA. At our Cisco booth we hosted over 450 meetings with Service Providers, and as usual the discussions were frank and insightful. The “smorgasbord” of topics covered with our cu…

February 25, 2016


The First Law of IoT: Things that Can Be Connected, Will Be Connected

Recently, I had the opportunity to participate on a panel discussion of Internet of Things (IoT) privacy and security at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. This week, Barcelona plays host to the 2016 Mobile World Congress, where technology leaders convene to discuss what’s next in the mobil…

February 23, 2016


Huge Opportunities for Service Providers at the Intersection of Fog and Mobility

I have the privilege of being in Barcelona this week for Mobile World Congress. With nearly 100,000 attendees and an impressive conference agenda, it’s a week packed with not only ideas and innovation, but with interactions with leaders, startups, disruptors, and other major players in mobile techno…

February 18, 2016


Mobile World Congress: It’s Not Just for Mobile Anymore

Here we are, at the verge of what is the 30th Mobile World Congress, in Barcelona. It’s a show I tend to characterize as “the water cooler for telecom,” because everybody is there! Over its impressive and storied history, starting in London in 1987, MWC has consistently served up the “firsts” that u…

Mobility IQ Provides Real Time Analytics at MWC 2015

As we begin our preparations for Mobile World Congress 2016 (hard to believe), I thought it would be fun to reflect on this year’s show. Cisco worked with the GSMA and the Fira again this year to deliver a carrier-grade Wi-Fi network to 93,000 attendees. After winning last year’s WBA Wi-Fi Industry…

March 27, 2015


MSE 10 at Mobile World Congress 2015

Cisco’s Connected Mobile Experience (CMX) solution employs data from the Wi-Fi network to generate information about devices visiting a venue, which in turn can be used by businesses to gain greater insight into the behavior of their customers and improve customer experience.  At the center of the C…

Observations from Mobile World Congress 2015

I have just returned from a very interesting and jammed-packed week at Mobile World Congress 2015 in Barcelona. A record 93,000 plus people are estimated to have attended this year’s premier technology festival. Much has changed in the industry over the last year since I reported my observations of…

March 10, 2015


Reflections on Mobile World Congress 2015: Transformation Through Innovation

As I reflected on a very memorable Mobile World Congress 2015 during the plane ride home from Barcelona a few days ago, it became clear that the transformation Cisco has been seeing in the telecommunications service provider industry is now a global movement. It’s not just happening in Europe, or L…