February 1, 2016


Driving Business Outcomes with the Second Wave of Cloud Adoption

Do you remember when cloud services first emerged? Driving operational efficiency was the name of the game – specifically reducing IT costs. Now, as organizations continue to innovate themselves, many are expecting their cloud services to be instrumental in digitization efforts that can improv…

January 28, 2016


IoT: Using Technology for the Developing World

As we enter 2016, I can’t help but reflect on the staggering success and take up of the Internet of Things (IoT), which refers to any device able to connect to the Internet. Mobile penetration is booming, broadband access continues to soar, more and more devices are being developed with sensors and…

January 27, 2016


Enabling IoT Analytics

Last month, at Cisco’s Internet of Things (IoT) World Forum in Dubai, I had the opportunity to lead a panel discussion on IoT Analytics with a group of my industry peers – each who play a different role within the space. Together, we discussed the unique opportunities and challenges of doing a…

January 22, 2016


Jump Start Your Connected Factory: Recap of the Recent #CiscoChat

Manufacturers are challenged with how to start digitizing their factories. Many have told me it is not inertia or budget holding them back, but being overwhelmed or unsure of where to start. Yet the value that awaits them is great – connected factories can boost profits by up to 19 percent (accordin…

January 19, 2016


How Service Providers Can Help Businesses to Realize the Promise of the IoT Revolution

We are embarking on a new technological journey that will fundamentally change forever the economy, society and the way that we live. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a world where up to 50 billion things (or devices) will be connected to the Internet by 2020; or, the equivalent of 6 devices for ever…

January 12, 2016


Cisco Innovation Centre Toronto Creates Big Bang in Digitization Universe

Technology innovations fueling the mass digitization of countries, cities and companies are reignited today with the highly anticipated opening of Cisco Innovation Centre Toronto – the first in North America and ninth worldwide. Yes, the opening created a Big Bang in our expanding universe of Innova…

January 6, 2016


Transform the Digital Experience from Free Wi-Fi to Interactive Mobile Experiences

Having grown up in Denver, I’m a big fan of the Denver Broncos. Although I currently live in San Diego, I really enjoy the opportunity to see at game at Mile High Stadium any chance I get.  Sure, I could always upgrade my TV services to include a NFL package or subscribe to the Bronco’s fan club for…

Looking Back at 2015 – A Tipping Point for the Internet of Things

2015 will be remembered as the year of the Internet of things. The tipping point when IoT went from the back rooms of the technology world to become mainstream. The consultancy McKinsey estimates that the Internet of Things – a world where up to 50 billion things (or devices) will be connected…

January 5, 2016


The Business Drivers of Hyper-distributed Computing

It would be easy to say that the primary drivers behind hyper-distributed computing are social, mobile, analytics, cloud and security (SMACS). While it is true that these approaches are influencing or enabling hyper-distributed computing, they are not the business drivers. SMACS technologies are nec…