Internet of Things

November 16, 2015


Mobility IoT Opportunity and Challenge

The Internet of Things (IoT) is widely accepted as a key business opportunity for Mobile Service Providers (MSP) in the next 5 years. One recent report from Analysys Mason, predicts $8 billion in new IoT/M2M revenues from 2013 to 2019 in APAC alone. Other report predict even larger business potentia…

November 16, 2015


The Digital Manufacturer: Advancing a New Revolution in Efficiency and Quality

With robotics and automation, manufacturers have advanced our industry over the last few decades, driving innovations and improvements in productivity and efficiency that were once only the imagination of science fiction writers and TV/movie producers. Today, however, the next wave of transformation…

November 12, 2015


Not Just for Holidays: My Recipe for IoT Success

Sharing recipes among family and friends is a long-standing holiday tradition. I have my own favorite recipe, but it’s not part of an extravagant holiday dinner. It’s my recipe for success in the Internet of Things (IoT). Over the past six months or so, I’ve discussed in this series of blogs the var…

November 11, 2015


#WednesdayWalkabout Series: Public-Private Partnership is King

Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp Good for Citizens, Good for Government Fast. Reliable. Easy to use. As a consumer, this is what I have come to expect from the technology that I use. Many companies work hard to meet – and exceed – consumers’ technological demands. But in the new digital age in which…

November 10, 2015


Join our IoT System Security Webinar

Connecting more things in more places creates new security challenges. Please join us on November 17, 2015 at 8:00AM (PST) for the IoT System Security webinar and learn how to secure and control IoT with the Cisco IoT System Security. In this webinar you will hear how the IoT System Security product…

November 5, 2015


Enhancing Hyper-Distributed Analytics

Today Cisco completed its acquisition of ParStream, a company that has created a specialized database built for the Internet of Things (IoT). In hyper distributed data environments, massive amounts of data are being created and in a very distributed way. Many examples of this can be found in the IoT…

November 4, 2015


#WednesdayWalkabout Series: A Backpacker’s Guide to Digitization

Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp Innovation at the Forefront of Everything As the 2016 Rio Olympics draw nearer, the eyes of the world are turning to Brazil and South America. Latin American economies have historically been increasingly exposed to global uncertainty and economic volatility. However,…

November 2, 2015


Life Saving Drones Aid First Responders

Emergency readiness is one of the most frequently practiced and probably one of the least frequently exercised drills. However, when it counts on saving human lives, it really counts. One such massive effort in emergency preparedness took place during the week of Sep 28 at the Guardian Centers in At…

October 28, 2015


#WednesdayWalkabout Series: Digital Public Safety in Action

Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp A New Approach to Public Safety Lately, constant news coverage has been shining a spotlight on the increasing amounts of pressure that public safety and justice agencies are enduring. Preventing crime is vital to developing vibrant and safe communities. The reality of…