Santa Visits Children’s Hospitals Across North America using Cisco Video Technology
December is here and that means that Santa Claus is putting the final touches on his list and checking it twice. For the eighth year, Cisco is teaming up with medical centers across North America to provide children who are hospitalized during the holidays the opportunity to show Santa what good lit…
Cisco Connected Health Newsletter, Fall 2014
Have you read the latest Cisco Connected Health newsletter? In an effort to bring you relevant stories about the positive impacts of health IT, this issue features real-world implementations including: Replay: Telehealth and e-Pharmacy at Baptist Health South Florida Watch Leslee Gross, AVP of Ba…
The Power of Technology to Transform Care
This month, Focus, Cisco’s monthly online publication, takes a look at the latest Connected Health trends and technology news. Data-driven decisions, better specialized care and improved patient experiences are transforming healthcare, and I encourage you to read about it in this month’s issu…
New World, New Rules – The Evolution of Pediatric Healthcare in a Hyper-Connected World
Carlos Dominguez, Cisco Senior Vice-President in the Office of the Chairman and CEO, will present the luncheon keynote address on October 30 at the Boston Children’s Hospital Global Pediatric Innovation Summit + Awards. Held over two days, the Boston Children’s Hospital Global Pediatric Innovation…
Cisco helps to advance Health IT Collaboration and Communication
This is an exciting week for Cisco and for the Health IT industry at large. Two big industry events are taking plan this week: Epic’s Users’ Group Meeting and National Health IT Week. Epic’s 2014 Users’ Group Meeting: Down on the Farm If you are planning to attend Epic’s 2014 Users̵…
Cisco Connected Health Newsletter, Summer 2014
Have you read the latest Cisco Connected Health newsletter? In an effort to bring you relevant stories about the positive impacts of health IT, this issue features real-world implementations including: University of Virginia Center for Telehealth Provides Timely Access to Specialty Medical Service…
Three Steps for IT to Deliver Better Business Results
The situation that many IT people find themselves in today is dripping with irony. They’ve deployed so many innovations over the years to address so many business challenges, that now most of their time is dedicated to simply keeping their systems running. Without incremental resources during these…
A Major IT Shift – Delivering Business Outcomes
During geek-fests like CiscoLive, it’s easy to become hypnotized by all the amazing technology. So many smart people are innovating in so many amazing ways. When the party’s over, though, we all need to get back to business. Not just CIO’s and CTO’s – everyone in IT needs to focus on business…
#CiscoPublicSafety Series: Connected Justice Solutions for Correctional Facilities
Two of the biggest problems that prison staff must face every day are security and cost. From visitation to healthcare to education, cost-efficient technology solutions can make the lives of inmates safer and better. Cisco® Connected Justice™ and Renovo Software have partnered to integrate Renovo’s…