May 16, 2016


Accelerate your Path to Digital Workplace Transformation with Desktop and App Virtualization

We’ve all heard that digital business transformation is upon us. Organizations are transforming processes and business models in order to get to market faster and foster innovation. Disruptive business models are replacing established players, from Netflix vs. Blockbuster to Uber and the taxi indust…

Cisco goes Platinum at GTC2016

This year Cisco was a Platinum sponsor of the GPU Technology Conference in San Jose. Colloquially known as “GTC2016” or “The Graphics Conference,” it gave us a great platform to show off some of the latest developments from Cisco and our partners. We showed a host of applications and solutions alon…

January 29, 2016


From desktop to Data Center…changing the game with graphics

What if you were able to give everyone in your organization the flexibility and freedom to securely work anywhere in the world and on any device? What types of productivity gains would your company see as a result? What efficiencies or cost savings might your IT department receive from moving deskto…

August 31, 2015


Agile Application Delivery with UCS-Powered VDI

We’re off to another edition of VMworld with some great technology to showcase. Our theme this year is your data center is everywhere, the center of innovation. And talking about innovation we will be demoing some recent work around our desktop virtualization solution with VMware. We will have demo…

Modern GPU Integration in MPI

Today’s guest post is from Rolf vandeVaart, a Senior CUDA Engineer with NVIDIA. GPUs are becoming quite popular as accelerators in High Performance Computing clusters. For example, check out Titan; a recent entry into the Top 500 list from Oak Ridge Laboratories. Titan has 18,688 nodes (299,00…