Google Glass

April 10, 2014


Our Data, Ourselves

We’re generating digital information at an exponential rate. It’s coming from more devices that are more connected than ever and getting smarter all the time. In 2013, global mobile data traffic stood at 1.5 exabytes per month – the equivalent of 4,100 text messages each second. By 2018, that wi…

October 2, 2013


Is the Future of Mobility a Disappearing Act?

As a mobile expert and thought leader, I’m frequently asked about what the next big thing in mobility will be, and my answer often surprises inquirers – mobile’s future is a disappearing act. When most people think about the future of mobility, they think of larger, possibly flexible mobile screens,…

The Workplace of the Future: Connected, Collaborative, Creative

The Internet of Everything is reshaping every aspect of our lives—including how and where we work. Think back to the 1950s, when the telephone was the only connected device in the typical office, and collaboration happened only when coworkers physically walked to a conference room for a face-to-face…

Cisco Sizzle – April Edition

Welcome to the Cisco Sizzle! Each month, we’re rounding up the best of the best from across our social media channels for your reading pleasure. From the most read blog posts to the top engaging content on Facebook or LinkedIn, catch up on things you might have missed, or on the articles you just wa…

#IoE: Present and Future

This blog was co-authored by Dave Evans and Joseph Bradley, Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG). To receive the most value from the Internet of Everything (IoE), business leaders should begin transforming their organizations based on key learnings from use cases that show how IoE works i…