
October 25, 2018


Is this legal? For AI and IoT, W&M Law School aims to find out

Innovators have been developing artificial intelligence (AI), IoT, cybersecurity, and related technologies for some time, yet the legal world has had limited engagement with the issues likely to arise from these technologies—except for those in the area of privacy. And this poses real challenges. Fo…

October 25, 2018


Fighting for Encryption & Security Around the World

Last week, my colleagues Tim Fawcett, Matt Carling and I had the honor and pleasure of representing Cisco in a hearing before the Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security. The topic: pending legislation to expand the government’s lawful surveillance authorities – called…

October 24, 2018


BehavioSec Fires Up Next-Gen Cybersecurity Solutions with Behavioral Biometrics

There’s no silver bullet for online security, especially when it comes to user authentication. And enterprises aren’t alone in the struggle to keep up with the needs and demands of authentication. At the center of all of this lies user behavior and the challenge it presents to security. Startups suc…

October 20, 2018


Which direction will fall winds push government IT in 2019?

Cisco is excited to help sponsor the National Association of State CIOs (NASCIO) Annual Conference in San Diego this fall. From defining the building blocks of collaboration to creating a seamless citizen experience, topics at this year’s event will show you how to better communicate your vision whi…

October 15, 2018


Disruption on High: Managing Cyber Risk in a Multicloud World

Digital transformation is happening and with it comes the pain of disruption. For many organizations around the world, it looks like this: your workforce is increasingly mobile, employees are using a variety of devices to access your network, and utilizing potentially an unknown amount of cloud serv…

October 15, 2018


Ask a cybersecurity expert: What are the top 4 tips for securing health data?

Keith Rabbin is a Senior Security Consultant at Cisco who is passionate about helping organizations minimize the risk they face with the evolving threat landscape. This passion has led him to develop a security-focused assessment based on the Cisco SAFE Framework that helps organizations identify ga…

October 15, 2018


Employees: Your Greatest Security Asset

As a CISO, I’m focused on the security of Cisco’s entire enterprise, not just our IT systems and infrastructure or the data our customers entrust in us. Because Cisco is a leading security technology provider, my team and I are fortunate to have the best tools to help prevent, detect and remediate c…

October 12, 2018


A Modern Approach to Cybersecurity & Privacy in the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement

As was noted in a companion blog by my colleague Jen Sanford, the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada-Agreement (USMCA) covers a wide range of trade issues between these nations.  We are particularly excited for the provisions around cybersecurity which address what our customers and the industry have been sayin…

October 9, 2018


Be Fearless: Advice to My 15-Year-Old Self on Pursuing a Cyber Career

I’ve been fortunate to have a great career. While I was drawn to math and science in school, it was rare for a woman to get a STEM-related job in the 1980s, but I did, and at NASA! What a start. That role led by happenstance to my working on the Morris Worm, one of the first big computer worms in hi…