October 2, 2019


Security in A World of “WE” – Embracing Our Third Party Ecosystems

In our increasingly digital world, technological innovation not only presents new opportunities, but also raises new risks and challenges that must be addressed collaboratively by industry, buyers, users, and policymakers. Specifically, digitization demands that risk be addressed across a dramatical…

September 26, 2019


Cisco Security Supporting NATO’s Largest Cybersecurity Conference

NIAS is NATO’s largest cyber security conference and provides an opportunity for NATO and government leaders, defence and cybersecurity specialists to discuss needs and priorities and effective cyber security solutions. NATO’s mission is to protect the freedom of its members. It has innovated and ad…

November 8, 2018


NIAS 2018 Highlights

On the 18th of October, the NATO Information Assurance Symposium (NIAS) 2018 closed its conference doors. NIAS is the largest annual NATO cyber security conference. This event is a platform for uniting NATO global government leaders, and security experts across the NATO Alliance, industry, academia,…

October 15, 2018


Disruption on High: Managing Cyber Risk in a Multicloud World

Digital transformation is happening and with it comes the pain of disruption. For many organizations around the world, it looks like this: your workforce is increasingly mobile, employees are using a variety of devices to access your network, and utilizing potentially an unknown amount of cloud serv…