Cisco on Fortune’s “World’s #MostAdmired Companies” List
Once again, Cisco is honored to be on Fortune Magazine’s “World’s Most Admired Companies” List. Fortune tells us that the Most Admired list is the “definitive report card on corporate reputations.” We are also included in the Top 10 “Most Admired Tech Companies” list. Cisco Chairman and CEO John Ch…
With Blended Learning Students and Educators Get the Best of Both Worlds
It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long, but remember a couple of months ago when we were all reading articles like “5 ways technology will impact higher ed in 2013” about trends to watch in 2013? Well, at the beginning of the year, I highlighted four of those high-impact tr…
20 Years Teleworking: $291,200 Savings and 435,200 Pounds of Pollutants Spared
Cisco, in partnership with Mobile Work Exchange, is eager to kick off the third-annual Telework Week from March 4-8. Telework Week 2013 is a global effort to encourage agencies, organizations, and individuals to pledge to telework anytime during this week. I plan not only to pledge to telework that…
The Future of Education: #TomorrowStartsHere
Frustrated. That’s how Wharton School of Business Professor Karl Ulrich feels when he cannot engage with students enrolled in the prestigious University of Pennsylvania’s remote campus in San Francisco. Given how many hats members of the faculty from the school wear, it’s a real challenge. Take Ulri…
Bringing Flexibility to Manufacturing through Mobile Collaboration
Manufacturing’s evolving workforce has introduced both challenges and opportunities to the manufacturing industry. With the increasing penetration of smartphones and tablets in the workplace, manufacturers are seeking ways to leverage their newly-connected workers to enhance the impact of the enterp…
What Really Matters in Collaboration
On the eve of Microsoft’s first Lync User Conference, I think it’s a great time to start a frank and direct conversation about what’s changed in collaboration and, because of those changes, what’s really important for IT decision makers to consider as they evaluate collaboration vendors and solution…
Video Demystified on TechWiseTV
We do a lot of shows about video of course. It’s always a challenge I think when it comes to defining what the unique value of a given story needs to be. In this case, we were not featuring newly announced technology, which greatly simplifies the direction for us – but we were considering wh…
Getting Away from Group Think
When was the last time you had a team meeting with someone outside your usual circle of colleagues? This is a question – and a challenge – laid down by Peter McDonald, a collaboration expert that I met with last week. Peter works for a consultancy that focuses on helping people collaborate. And they…
The Extrasensory Enterprise: Turning Data Complexity into Advantage
By Shaun Kirby, Director, Innovations Architecture Internet Business Solutions Group If anyone still doubts the overwhelming complexity of today’s data deluge, Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Google, offers some poignant perspective. In a recent book, “The Human Face of Big Data”, he observes that fr…