cloud security
Anticipating the Unknowns: 2019 Cisco CISO Benchmark Study
Today, we released our CISO Benchmark Study, an annual global survey of information security leaders working at organizations of all sizes and in all industries all over the world. With over 3200 respondents across 18 countries, the study offers a solid view of what’s on the minds and to-do lists of…
Cloud Covered – Are You Insured?
Security is a topic that is a top-of-mind for every CIO out there. It is interesting to know that according to a study performed by Research 451, 64% of enterprises report information security is not a separate line in terms of budget, instead, it is part of their IT infrastructure one. In other wor…
Disruption on High: Managing Cyber Risk in a Multicloud World
Digital transformation is happening and with it comes the pain of disruption. For many organizations around the world, it looks like this: your workforce is increasingly mobile, employees are using a variety of devices to access your network, and utilizing potentially an unknown amount of cloud serv…
Securing the Cloud: Assessing the Security of TLS
As more and more organizations move from self-hosted infrastructure to cloud-based environments, so too increases the demand to ensure that they are resilient and secure. As part of Cisco’s efforts to support our customers in making this change in a smooth and seamless fashion, we have been hard at…
Leveraging Cloud Environments for Security and Speed
The benefits and challenges of the new normal In the Pacific Northwest, the weather, especially in the spring, can be pretty variable. Just look at this tweet from the National Weather Service in Seattle: Living in Seattle, I can tell you with authority that cloudy days are the norm most of the yea…
Serverless Security for Public Cloud Workloads with Stealthwatch Cloud
[This post was created with contributions from Bo Bayles and Patrick Crowley.] Each year goes by and we find more ways to own less and less of what it takes to operate our digital infrastructure. Information Technology began as a business having to build data centers owning everything starting with…
DevSecOps: Security at the Speed of Business
[This is part two of a four-part blog series about DevSecOps.] In Part One of this blog series DevSecOps – Win Win for All, we established a foundation for DevSecOps practices with our Cloud Security Manifesto. In Part 2 of this series, we will describe another key aspect of DevSecOps – develo…
Meltdown, Spectre, and Cisco Cloud Collaboration Security
I wanted to provide a few quick answers to questions that we’re being asked about the implications of Meltdown and Spectre on the security of Cisco’s cloud collaboration portfolio. These vulnerabilities are most relevant in multi-tenant cloud environments, where they create the possibility that Cisc…
Stealthwatch Cloud: Securing the public cloud, without undercutting it
Public cloud infrastructure requires a new approach to security. We’ve all heard that line, but what does it actually mean? There is little stopping you from, say, deploying agents in the cloud to monitor traffic and detect threats and bringing other on-premises techniques to bear. But as anyone who…