
January 8, 2018


Meltdown, Spectre, and Cisco Cloud Collaboration Security

I wanted to provide a few quick answers to questions that we’re being asked about the implications of Meltdown and Spectre on the security of Cisco’s cloud collaboration portfolio. These vulnerabilities are most relevant in multi-tenant cloud environments, where they create the possibility that Cisc…

March 7, 2017


Speech-Controlled Drones and Bots for Enterprises

Speech control of drones and robots is so popular these days that a simple Google search reveals about 14 million results on the topic. However, many of these projects are meant for hands-on technical people as opposed to business or operational folks interested mainly in outcomes. Wait no more. Cis…

November 28, 2016


Q&A with a Cisco Spark Evangelist

Hello there, I’m John Sayer. I work in Cisco’s Cloud Collaboration Technology Group as the Lead Cisco Spark Adoption Specialist for our Customer Success team. Over the last year, I’ve been spreading the good word of how great Cisco Spark is to anyone who’ll listen! Cisco Spark is Cisco’s next-genera…

March 10, 2016


$150M New Reasons to Explore Cisco Spark

It’s an exciting time to be at Cisco. The pace of innovation and change is astounding, and we’re barely beginning to scratch the surface. And I’m saying this coming from a fast-moving startup environment just 10 months ago. Many of you are already using Cisco Spark and Tropo APIs to spin up amazing…

December 3, 2015


Building a Developer Ecosystem

This is part of a series on the evolution of the Cisco Collaboration Cloud platform, exploring the technical and design principles behind its unique architecture. So far in this series my colleagues have talked about various elements of our Cisco Collaboration Cloud platform. Rowan mentioned its ori…

August 19, 2015


#CiscoChampion Radio S2|Ep 32: What Is Tropo? What Can You Do with Tropo APIs?

#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’re talking about Tropo with Jose de Castro, CTO, Tropo Business Unit, and Kevin Chatow, Director of Product Management, Tropo Business Unit. Tropo APIs let you automate communications, connecting your code to the…