Hands On with SDN in Milan

Those of you who follow me know that one of the milestones I have for SDN is when we start turning those unicorns into plough horses.  While I don’t think we are quite there yet, the partner demos you can check out on the floor in Milan show that we are certainly moving the needle with SDN:…

Top Things to Know About DFA Before Cisco Live Milan

Two weeks ago, I presented a webinar on Dynamic Fabric Automation (DFA) and went over the allocated 1 hour to cover the content.  Yesterday, as I was doing follow up with a hands-on demo, I went over time too. This illustrates how rich DFA is, and how much there is to say about it! Dynamic Fabric Au…

January 23, 2014


Learn How to Build an Intelligent WAN at CiscoLive Milan

According to the Open Network User Group (ONUG), a consortium of IT leaders including Bank of America, Fidelity Investments, JP Morgan Chase, UBS, and Gap, among the top priorities to reduce network expenses was WAN management, coming it at #3.  This should not be a surprise with the growth of bandw…

Quitting the Legacy IP at Cisco Live Milan

It’s that time of the year again – time for some computer and human networking at Cisco Live Milan! This year I’m taking the unusual and somewhat risky step of blogging about the network infrastructure before the event. This is because we’re going to try something interesting for the networkin…

January 17, 2014


Going to Cisco Live Milan? Two keynotes to check out!

Tuesday of CiscoLive Milan (#CLEUR for the Twitter among you) the keynotes will be wall to wall Rob with Rob Lloyd at 9:30 followed by Rob Soderbery at 11:15.  These should be pretty interesting and give you a good foundation to where Cisco is headed overall and specifically in our core networking.…

Hitchhiker’s Guide to onePK

Cisco Live Milan is around the corner and I’m getting my session, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to onePK, ready for it’s European debut.  While it’s lovely to be in the CiscoLive Distinguished Speaker Hall of Fame, putting a good presentation together hasn’t gotten any easier.  The hard questions still nee…

Autonomic Networking – From Theory to Practice

Autonomic Networking is well understood in theory, but real, consistent and extensible implementations don’t exist. In this post I suggest a reason for the lack in execution, and our vision to provide a working, implementable Autonomic Networking Architecture. Wipe off the dust… When asking a resear…

From Cisco Live London: Architecture updates posted here all week…

I am sitting and reflecting here at the start of Cisco Live London. As I walk the halls, I continue to be amazed by the size, depth, and breadth of this event. Networking continues to grow, and thousands of people are eager to come together to see the latest.…

January 25, 2013


What to check out at CiscoLive if you want to know about BYOD, Unified Access or the Internet of Everything

If you’re attending CiscoLive London, we’ve got some great talks, challenges (competition where you can win a variety of prizes), and new solutions being launched.  In this blog I’m going to highlight a few of the activities and events we have planned that I think will be the most fun/cool/education…