Cisco VNI

February 14, 2017


IPv6 Enables Global Mobile IoT Innovation and Proliferation

Advanced Addressing Scheme Securely Connects Billions of Devices and Things Digitization and automation is now a familiar feature in many homes. Mobile connectivity is not just for phones anymore. Today, we have lots of things that generate data or environments that we want to control (locally or r…

December 1, 2016


The New Digital Deal: How retailers are transforming online shopping experiences and transactions

I need to preface this blog with a full disclosure statement. I love shopping! And apparently I am not alone in my affinity for all things retail. Let’s face it, many people enjoy the thrill of acquiring a new “bright shiny thing” or the high of getting a deal on something you need. However, the inc…

September 28, 2016


Multimedia Millennials: Cable operators offer more apps and streaming services to young consumers

According to Pew Research, one-in-seven Americans are television “cord cutters”, Millennials’ (18 – 34 year olds) are leading the way in bypassing traditional TV viewing with video streaming services, leading to a generation of cord cutters and cord nevers. According to new research from The D…

September 9, 2016


The Zettabyte Era Officially Begins (How Much is That?)

For more than a decade, Cisco has tracked and projected global Internet traffic growth and associated networking trends through the Visual Networking Index (VNI). From day one, the Zettabyte has been a benchmark that our analysts have targeted as a major networking milestone. When will global Intern…

September 9, 2016


Happy Zettabyte Day 2016!

No, this is not a greeting card holiday for which gifts are given (at least not yet)… but it is quite a milestone of IP traffic growth. The Internet and all things IP have become ubiquitous in our lives over the last 20 years with seemingly everything either being connected or planned to be.  And ho…

September 1, 2016


Mobile Video in the Palm Of Your Hand

Off To Amsterdam and IBC with Infinite Video For Mobile Operators What’s Driving the Interest in Mobile Video? According to the 2016 Cisco Mobile Visual Networking Index, mobile is the #1 consumer device and Video is driving the next wave of Mobility. At IBC this year we will discuss our Infinite…

My buddy the building: The incredible potential of connected premises

An intelligent building that reacts to the movements and behavior of its inhabitants might sound like the opening scenes of a sci-fi movie. But it’s not. And it could open up a whole new world of opportunities for service providers. The connected workplace  offers countless possibilities. Imagine an…

Has Internet growth peaked?

Will the Internet continue to grow at historical rates, or has growth peaked? This was the question was posed by Sanjay Patel of CableLabs to the panelists on the Bandwidth Consumption Trends panel during the August 2016 CableLabs Summer conference. I was pleased to have been invited to participate…

Comparing Generational Digital Footprint

It’s often said that “apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” – and my “apple” has fallen very close to me. This summer, my 18-year-old daughter earned the opportunity to work as an intern at Cisco. As a 20-year Cisco veteran, my daughter’s internship inspired me to reflect on my career experiences in…