Cisco Spark
11 Reasons to Visit Collaboration in the CLUS World of Solutions
Last week, I gave you the top reasons to check out what Cisco Collaboration has to offer at Cisco Live this year. But wait, our team has more good guidance! I’m pleased to present 11 fantastic reasons to visit the Collaboration neighborhood in the World of Solutions. Experience: See, feel, to…
Collaboration Systems Release 11: Innovation and Integration for the Best Experience
If you’ve been following Cisco Collaboration, you know that we’re focused on the experience. The whole experience: Product experience for users Sales and support experience for partners Purchase, deployment, and management experience for administrators The market continues to centralize on unific…
13 Reasons to Check Out Collaboration at Cisco Live
Cisco Live in San Diego is fast approaching. Here in the world of Cisco Collaboration, we’re getting ready to share all our latest and greatest products and content with you. Meanwhile, we’re making sure we have our official boothwear, slideware, and convention-center footwear ready to go. I challen…
The Days of the Mad Men Office Are Over: Create a Digital Workspace
We’re accelerating the speed at which we generate, test, and bring ideas to market. New digital work styles with social platforms, mobility, cloud, and video conferencing allow us to move faster. To stay competitive and agile, companies are knocking down boardroom walls — physically and virtua…
What’s the 411 on OpenStack based Summit Collaboration in Vancouver?
Last week, I was prepping for the 11th OpenStack Summit in Vancouver, when I suddenly had a question pop up. How on earth would I, much less over a hundred of us, from Cisco communicate at an international destination in an easy and organized way? Some group ideas were: Temporary international data…
Making Teamwork Simpler
I thought I’d spend a few moments to share a little about what we’re working on in the Cloud Collaboration Technology Group at Cisco. Simplifying collaboration has been top of mind. But it’s been evident that we needed to think about it differently this time. There is a new type of worker that has e…
Don’t You (Forget about Employee Engagement)
Tonight I’m heading out for a huge slice of nostalgia. I’m going to see 1980s pop group Simple Minds. No doubt there’ll be much reminiscing and swaying of hands to classics like “Don’t You (Forget About Me).” This year Cisco has been celebrating its 30th birthday. Another recent addition to t…
Internet2: The Next Big Thing Awaits
In order to push the boundaries of research we must turn to innovative technology. And since much of research is being fueled by academic organizations, Cisco is making an investment in our partners and in higher education. This month in Washington, D.C. the brightest minds in technology will gather…
New #SocialRoundup: #CiscoChat Heats Up
Welcome to our latest #SocialRoundup blog series about new social media efforts and best practices. Today, we want to highlight #CiscoChat, our new social media chat program that has been picking up steam recently. The concept was simple: create a standard method for our customers, partners, influen…