Value of Cisco Certifications: Making Money Vs. Study
Imagine that you see a Tweet today inviting you to apply for a part-time networking job, something you can do in addition to your normal job. You appear to be qualified for the job, and the work looks interesting as well. However, it requires enough of your time so that you would have to set aside y…
Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN) Setup.
Since DMVPN has been added to the CCIE v5 BluePrint ( I figured that now was just as good of a time as any to write this blog. DMVPN stands for Dynamic Multipoint VPN and it is an effective solution for dynamic secure overlay networks. DMV…
Staying Connected at Northern Kentucky University
Northern Kentucky University is among the fastest growing universities in Kentucky. It hosts over 15,000 students with about 13,000 undergraduate and 2,000 graduate students. The goal of the wireless program at NKU is to provide secure, robust and ubiquitous wireless access throughout the campus, bo…
Crucible and Chrysalis: The personal value of the expert-level certification process
Introduction The choice to begin pursuing an expert-level certification is often made lightly. After experiencing the training, study and testing process of the associate-level and the professional-level certifications, it is understandable to expect that the expert level is more of the same; more a…
Why I Certify
I’m a addicted to certifications. I’ve always been good at taking tests, but I didn’t realize how rewarding it could be until relatively recently. I had been in IT for 15 years as a sysadmin and certification had never seemed valuable to me. In 2009, I made the shift from working primarily as a Syst…
#CiscoChampion Radio S1|Ep4: Cisco Certifications
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists, hosted by Cisco’s Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week we’re talking about Cisco Certifications. Listen to the Podcast Featured Guests: Cisco Champion: Stephen Rodriguez (@WiFiJanitor) Cisco Subject Matter Experts: Antonell…
Built Cisco-Tough CCIE is 20 years strong
Cisco Champions ask Challenging Questions. This is the second in a blog series presented by Carlos Dominguez and Jimmy Ray Purser. Check out the first blog by Carlos here. I recently had an opportunity to sit down with our Cisco Champions to discuss a range of topics about technology. Here’s a…
Two Million Career Certifications, 20 Years Strong
Cisco began issuing certifications in 1993 to distinguish the best of breed Internetwork experts worldwide. As technology has made extraordinary advancements over the years, the Cisco certification program has continually kept learners up-to-date while addressing the growing skills gap in networking…
Live: 802.11ac with No Strings Attached
Coming off a busy week at Interop Las Vegas, we have recorded another info-packed podcast with the popular wireless networking podcast group “No Strings Attached Show”. The topic for this podcast covers the gigabit wireless technology, 802.11ac which if you attended Interop, you know this is a very…