Alex Goryachev
Building Blocks for your own Innovation Disruption (Part 1)
Cisco’s first company-wide innovation challenge, which disrupted all job functions and geographies, attracted widespread interest outside the company. Inquiries from innovation pros, articles in Network World, podcasts with the Human Capital Institute and Innovation Leader, and invitations to share…
Igniting a Companywide Startup Culture of Entrepreneurs
Before you can disrupt markets and competitors with breakout innovations, you must first disrupt yourself. This new paradigm does not discriminate. It applies now to all organizations of any size, their cultures and employees alike – no matter how successful in the past. Overwhelming research* shows…
Cisco Challenges Digital Entrepreneurs Worldwide
I’m in Vienna this week at the Pioneers Festival, which describes itself as “the epicenter of innovation.” Surrounded by 2,500 technology pioneers, including 500 of some of the world’s most promising early-stage startups, I definitely feel the seismic disruption all around me. I can’t think of a bet…
Disrupt or Die: Only the Innovative Will Survive
Andy Grove, the late co-founder of Intel who pioneered the semiconductor industry, often said, “Only the paranoid will survive.” Looking over your shoulder and worrying about oncoming competitors will always be a healthy practice to stay relevant and ahead of the pack. To remain an industry leader i…
There Has Never Been a Better Time for Innovation
Historians often point to The Renaissance many centuries ago as humankind’s most creatively prolific period. Indeed, timeless discoveries and masterpieces in art, literature and science burst forth from geniuses such as Leonardo de Vinci, Michelangelo, and Galileo. I spend a lot of my spare time stu…
Co-Innovation Juices Overflowed at Cisco Live! Berlin
During Cisco Live! in Berlin last week, 43,320 oranges were squeezed to fuel the creative juices of customers, partners and developers who converged to co-innovate around the Internet of Things. That’s a lot of orange juice! And what a smashing success! With more than 12,000 attendees and hundreds o…
IoT in Action: Innovation in Sydney Gains Traction
What do idyllic beaches, a breathtaking harbor, iconic opera house, efficient agriculture, smart transportation – and the Internet of Things – all have in common? Answer: Sydney, Australia. Now, one of the world’s most vibrant communities and tourist locations is rapidly becoming another kind of glo…
Cisco Innovation Centre Toronto Creates Big Bang in Digitization Universe
Technology innovations fueling the mass digitization of countries, cities and companies are reignited today with the highly anticipated opening of Cisco Innovation Centre Toronto – the first in North America and ninth worldwide. Yes, the opening created a Big Bang in our expanding universe of Innova…
Our Innovation Ecosystem Shines Brilliantly at IoTWF in Dubai
As the sun rises on the third day of the third annual Internet of Things World Forum (IoTWF) this year in the super smart city of Dubai – the brilliance of the Internet of Things (IoT) market and the robust ecosystem that supports it continues to shine brightly. Rapid IoT prototyping and other innov…