October 17, 2018


AI/ML: Shiny Object or Panacea?

Guest Blogger  This week we welcome guest author Anthony McKinney, Data Center Specialist Army Tactical/SOF at Cisco, as he discusses artificial intelligence and machine learning.   Collaborator: Michelle Tschudy, US Public Sector/DoD   You can’t swing a CAT 6 cable lately without hitting…

October 8, 2018


The GPU Accelerated Data Center takes Flight: Cisco Heads to NVIDIA GTC Europe

Welcome back! There wasn’t much lead time between my last blog and this one, but the Cisco “travel bug” has taken hold and it stops for no one. This time our Cisco global world tour takes us to Munich, Germany. Cisco is excited to be joining NVIDIA at their yearly GPU Technology Conference (GTC)  in…

May 16, 2018


More Data Refining Capacity Needed

If data is the new oil, then more refining capacity is needed.  Many customers are leveraging the data to be part of the core competitive advantage.   However, refining that data to become valuable, actionable information is difficult. Data collection and preparation take an inordinate amount of man…

April 2, 2018


Cisco Intersight – Benefits for Edge Computing and ROBO

Cisco UCS and HyperFlex customers are experiencing significant benefits from Intersight’s cloud-based systems management in edge computing and remote office branch office (ROBO) environments as well as in the data center. Extending IT Operations to the Edge In the past three months we have in…