RAN Virtualization: On the Road to 5G
This week we saw an important milestone in the digital transformation of the Radio Access Network (RAN) with the publication of the Small Cell Forum’s nFAPI specification. Cisco has been instrumental in driving the small cell industry by championing the virtualization work stream within the Small Ce…
Double Down on the Service Provider Technology at Cisco Live 2016 Las Vegas
Cisco Live has never been the same since this event was first launched. One of the key recent accomplishments has been adding the service provider booth to the main campus thus establishing SP presence on the main show floor. This year we are enjoying the redesigned SP booth with new additional feat…
Want 50% More Savings in Your Mobile Network? Try 5G Innovations Now.
We just released a white paper from IDC that shows how new solutions for mobile networks can impact operator costs. Yes, virtualization does make a difference, no doubt. However, IDC broke new ground by analyzing the benefits that 5G innovations can deliver to mobile operators, as well. IDC found th…
How FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler Sees the 5G Future
From Europe to Asia, leading nations are looking to take a leadership position in the next generation of mobile technologies – collectively referred to as “5G”. Funding research, signing Memoranda of Understanding, and using sports venues to create a platform for national champions, these countries…
Light Reading & Cisco Dive Into Cloud on Upskill U
Submitted by Elizabeth Coyne, the Managing Editor at Light Reading, who is responsible for driving the curriculum and direction of Upskill U. The impact of cloud services and platforms on the telecom sector has been nothing short of revolutionary. Without the cloud, there would be no NFV, SDN, IoT,…
The Cisco 5G White Paper Series
A successful 5G evolution will be more than just a new radio access technology – it will be a new architecture. Cisco is leading the way by driving development toward a virtualized architecture that extends complex intelligence from end to end. The 5G architecture will see automated service creation…
Light Reading Teams With Cisco to Launch ‘Upskill U’
Guest Blog by Elizabeth Coyne, Managing Editor at Light Reading, who is responsible for driving the curriculum and direction of Upskill U. There is no doubt that CSPs are facing a talent crunch as they transition from traditional networks to virtualized, software-based New IP networks. Others in t…
Observations from Mobile World Congress 2016
I have just returned from a very interesting and jammed-packed week at Mobile World Congress 2016 in Barcelona. For the first time ever, over 100,000 people and 2,200 plus vendors attended this year’s premier technology festival. Much has changed in the industry over the last year since I reported m…
MWC16 takeaways
Mobile World Congress (MWC) continues to set records for attendance with 101,000 people through the doors according to GSMA. At our Cisco booth we hosted over 450 meetings with Service Providers, and as usual the discussions were frank and insightful. The “smorgasbord” of topics covered with our cu…