Leading in 5G: We really are taking 5G to Orkney and more with 5G RuralFirst! (Part 2)
It’s been a quick year so far and my follow up to part 1 of this blog is long overdue. Back in December last year, Cisco led a 30 partner consortium to enter a UK government competition, to design, build and run innovative 5G Testbed and Trial programs. The government expected that consortia would…
Traffic Is Building – Here Comes 5G
Mobile World Congress Americas is right around the corner and 5G solutions for addressing exponential mobile traffic growth will be at the forefront. The new venue this year is Los Angeles, CA. As one of the top tourist destinations in the country, LA has become a bit famous for its daily traffic…
Cisco at Mobile World Congress Americas – 2018
Redefining Your 5G Network for Outstanding Outcomes Are you planning to be at Mobile World Congress Americas? Because we’ll be there and we’d love to see you and talk with you. We have meeting rooms on the second floor overlooking the exhibit floor; Meeting space S2.303B. Meet with Us We will have…
The Five Focus Areas for 5G Security Innovation and Thought Leadership
5G brings the promise of new revenue opportunities for service providers. Service providers will be able to offer new differentiated services and capabilities, connecting customers to multi-cloud services and applications with specific KPIs. To help service providers in the delivery of 5G, Cisco’s C…
5G Networking: Good Things Come in Threes
Service providers know that if they want to support the agile services that their customers are increasingly demanding, they need a new approach to networking. One that simplifies and streamlines the way their systems operate. That’s why they’re investing in developing their networks. But it’s not e…
Network Services: Bringing it all Together
A unified platform for enabling network services will be crucial to supporting the internet of things By 2021 there will be more than 3.3 billion mobile connected internet of things (IoT) devices. This is going to have a big impact on the way we live: connected cars will mean safer and more efficien…
Unleash the power of 5G
Cisco’s agile, programmable infrastructure will help service providers enter new markets by supporting next generation services 5G is coming, and it is bringing telecoms, internet and cable service providers new revenue generating opportunities. By enabling greater flexibility and capacity, 5G will…
Telecom operators: Are you ready for 5G?
Unleashing the Potential of Mobile Cloud Services 5G networking will create many opportunities for service providers. Enhanced mobile broadband and fixed wireless access are two examples of the kind of new service that will be possible. And there will also be opportunities to support growth in areas…
New Opportunities Through Seamless Connectivity
Seamless cross-access convergence enables service providers to run their networks more efficiently, offering customers a better quality of experience and greater reliability. Growing customer demands for flexible services, alongside developing trends such as the internet of things, network as a serv…