programmable infrastructure
Disrupt or Die: Developers and IT Hold the Keys to Business Success
Getting a big idea to market used to be hard and take time. Today, big ideas that change the technology landscape are the norm. Most CEOs worry about ongoing disruption from digital competitors or new market entrants. We see this across multiple industries, from retail to manufacturing to transporta…
Unleash the power of 5G
Cisco’s agile, programmable infrastructure will help service providers enter new markets by supporting next generation services 5G is coming, and it is bringing telecoms, internet and cable service providers new revenue generating opportunities. By enabling greater flexibility and capacity, 5G will…
What will Security for the Network of the Future Look Like?
In the next few years, there will be more mobile users and more mobile connections than ever: By 2018, there will be 4.9 billion mobile users, up from 4.1 billion in 2013, according to the newly released Cisco VNI forecast In addition, there will be 10 billion mobile-ready devices and connections,…