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SP360: Service Provider

Helping to See Through the CCAP Clouds

Based on the number of “virtualized” CCAP systems announcements, one could make the assumption that all software-based CCAP systems will offer similar benefits. But nothing can be further from the truth. It’s important to recognize that there are two very different approaches that vendors are taking…

The Cable Story, Part 1: Is that light at the end of the tunnel a train, or sunlight?

To a certain degree, the cable industry invented the service provider market as we know it today. With us for over 60 years now, it can be considered an ‘old’ industry, certainly in today’s dynamic world. Luckily for them, they have the opportunity to reinvent themselves, to change, to adapt, to rev…

Meet the Network Orchestration Experts at Cisco Live US 2018

Hello, it is that time of the year again!  Cisco Live US is upon us. If you are coming to Cisco Live US 2018 that is taking place in Orlando from June 10 through June 14, I’d like to tell you about Network Orchestration and Automation resources that you can take advantage of.  We have been sharing o…

Managing a DAA Hub with Analog and Digital Nodes in a Single Context

The building blocks for a distributed access architecture (DAA) are shipping from Cisco. More than 60 customers in 25 countries spanning 4 continents have received key DAA components, such as Remote PHY nodes, Remote PHY shelves, cBR-8 digital cards and Smart PHY automation software. DAA holds much…

Come Join us at Cisco Live 2018!

Cisco Live Orlando 2018 is less than one month away and it’s your opportunity to sharpen your skills while you learn from the best on how to run your world-class network. This year’s Cisco Live in Orlando is shaping up to be the biggest and most content rich for service providers ever. Here is a qui…

Network Automation Update – the Maturing of NFV Deployment

We at Cisco have been delivering network orchestration and automation products for a number of years now. Our customers have deployed Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO) with NFV Orchestration (NFVO) and Elastic Services Controller (ESC) to orchestrate physical and virtual network in productio…

The YANG Language – Up, up and away!

The work on YANG started as a direct response to the initial traction of the NETCONF protocol. Basically users saying that a protocol is good and well, but unless there is a formal description of the content that clients can manipulate, there may be not much win to be had. So off we went to write a…

Why Automation is the Key for Migrating from Integrated CCAP to Cloud-Based CCAP

The goal of cloud-native CCAP (cCCAP) in a distributed access architecture (DAA) is to provide a reliable, resilient network that is more agile and scalable to cable operators’ business needs. It achieves this by enabling CCAP processing to be distributed and easily scaled across the network, replac…

Cisco Crosswork – Part 5: Data Platform

In February, Cisco announced its latest innovation – Cisco Crosswork Network Automation – a new network automation portfolio for Service Providers.  Read Jonathan Davidson’s blog for an overview to understand our comprehensive approach to enabling a closed-loop, mass-scale automation solution. This…